Why so anti?

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006

I'm with you on the bad practice thing, but it's the TV adverts that annoy the most.

Like the compensation ones showing someone fall over, find it hard to pay their rent, and then be seen opening an envelope containing a lovely big cheque........They fail to tell you the cheque arrives approx two years later on average (who paid the rent in the meanwhile).

Or, the replacement windscreen ads, where you can just ring them, and they come straight out and fix it there and then. No mention of waiting for three days as they don't stock all windscreens (this is a bit obvious if you think about it, as the van would need to be a forty tonner to carry every type of screen.

So, back to bush craft, in a very tenuous way. I do like the latest 'go compare' ad on the desert island. But, I was surprised to find that hardly anyone I know gets the 'It'll be done by Friday' gag in it! To me that is the best bit.......But would seem a bit naff if you only thought it referred to the end of the week. :)

With you on this - show bad practice and monkeys copy it!
Wow - folk dont see the Man Friday/R. Crusoe gag? Do folk not read the classic bushy books anymore (Robinson Crusoe, Coral Island, Swiss Family Robinson, Swallows and Amazons et al)?
Learn more about Bushcraft from that lot than from some bushcraft "experts"

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Everything getting smaller ...well biscuits and choc bars for sure ....
Not my waistline though!
Chocy bickies...smaller but still powerful :)

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Wagon Wheels having thinner choc is bad enough, but for me the pressing question is have Curlie-Wurlies got smaller?

They look smaller to me, but is it just that my hands have got bigger since it was my staple play piece?

Everything has been rationalized ;) and curlie wurlies have indeed suffered from this phenomenonenonenone n. prices are still up though!




Jun 1, 2010
Chorley, Lancashire
I'm glad that the serious 'anti' tone of this thread gets changed to chocolate biscuits and no-one has yet commented that we may have strayed slightly off-topic! :lmao:

I hate the haters - yeah I have a Gransfors (probably my most expensive bit of kit) but I also prefer a £12 Mora to a lot of other knives - it works for me.

I'm with Wayland on the 'celebrity endorsement' thing. I like Craghoppers for everyday walking and wear - however because Mr Grylls has apparently 'designed' some clothing for them over the past couple of years, I find that a perfectly nice jumper or shirt is ruined cos bloody suicidal idiot managed to make a few quid and stick his name on it.

At the moot, I used a £20 tarp from Decathlon / Qechua and a bivvy bag of the same brand. Cheap as chips, lasts me well enough as I can only get out a few times a year. So what that the bivvy bag was grey and not a nice olive drab? Means I can see where the hell I'm going in the dark for a start! ;)

And yeah - Waggon Wheels just aren't what they used to be - tiny little things now.

Speaking of Off-Topic - Topics aren't what they used to be either :(


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Dammmit. Picked up some Wagon Wheels this morning and they are thinner and taste different too. I'll buy some more tomorrow just in case I got a faulty pack.

Ray Britton

Jun 2, 2010
Some other celeb endorsed items have just come to mind, to add some balance to the endorsed/designed thing.

Many of you will know of the lofty Wiseman survival knife, and many rate it as a nice tool (so, a good for endorsements), but how many of you remember his compartmented rucksack design, with swing out sections?

This was a non starter, and a bad design/endorsement IMHO.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Some other celeb endorsed items have just come to mind, to add some balance to the endorsed/designed thing.

Many of you will know of the lofty Wiseman survival knife, and many rate it as a nice tool (so, a good for endorsements), but how many of you remember his compartmented rucksack design, with swing out sections?

This was a non starter, and a bad design/endorsement IMHO.

I don't remember that one. Must have been a right belter.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Some other celeb endorsed items have just come to mind, to add some balance to the endorsed/designed thing.

Many of you will know of the lofty Wiseman survival knife, and many rate it as a nice tool (so, a good for endorsements), but how many of you remember his compartmented rucksack design, with swing out sections?

This was a non starter, and a bad design/endorsement IMHO.
I had one - in purple!
It lived for ages in my van as an organiser for all my emergency gear.
The principle was quite sound realy...just too fiddley and a bit heavy to be bothered with on a regular basis. It was quite a comfortable carry and very versatile - the high/low carry was a bit gimmicky for most users though....

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
Its gotta be "Moo cows" all the way,

Malted milk that is,..

not very tea resilient but i have a little method where i put two back to back so the lilttle moo cows are facing outwards ,

you get a more sustained dunk that way,

thing is, my rampaging OCD kicks in and if i dont get both the cows the same way up i have to abort the dunk, regroup with another two and go again.

"Tactical Bisciutery" could be my specialist subject on here , so if any one has a problem and needs a solution please ask,

i,m also quite handy with cakes and other problematic soft confectionary.

Ray Britton

Jun 2, 2010
John Fenna.

I'm just glad someone remembers it lol.

I was shown one once, and was being told how it would be the future of rucksack design. I picked up my tent (which fitted into an ordinary 20 litre pack) asked asked for it to be put in complete in its bag. That ended that demo there and then lol

Of course, with its massive surface area, it would have be a good water source after a down pour.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Right, I've been looking ino this Wagon Wheel debarcle and well, it's not pretty. Here's a picture comparing the old ones to the new....


I now feel compelled to write a stern letter.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
My wife made an excellent chocolate and beetroot cake the other day. It could have done with more icing though.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
RE: Wagon Wheels.

The wrapper does say they are now more tasty. Perhaps the reduction in size has concentrated the flavour?

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
Right, I've been looking ino this Wagon Wheel debarcle and well, it's not pretty. Here's a picture comparing the old ones to the new....


I now feel compelled to write a stern letter.

whered you source the vintage wagon wheel from???

it looks a little dark,

you sure its not a fake??

i understand the black market is so demanding that crime syndicates are funding their exploits with money made from fake 70s and 80s cakes,

i was approched the other day and offered a "Dr Deaths Black Bat Chew" and 10 "germaline bubblies" now i was tempted but i will not be a part of it,...


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