whats your dram tonight

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Well I suppose I better join you I,m for a wee (lies) malt in a large glass with an ice cube, not bloody coke. Oh and I,ll be wearing my new ruffin kilt .

I've just caned a bottle of Talisker over the last week. I finished it with Dunc last night. We were up on Skye visiting friends at Port Na Long and just *had* to visit the distillery shop on the way past.
Teed off with a Teachers for starters, then chipped the Singletons malt (not recommended), now two putted Glenteuchers hoping I need a third.Got ma Lairds kilt on.

Tetley for me tonight.
Is that bitter your drinking noo, thought you were an Earl Grey man.

phil (Laird of Vitlettz)
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Lagavulin for me
The single malt whiskies from Lagavulin are amongt the world's smokiest with thick lapsang souchon enveloping the palate without remorse. One of the trio of Ìleach distilleries gracing the isle’s South-Easterly shore, each sharing a characteristic peat smoke as well as being Scotland’s most pungent and perhaps most revered. In 1816, the Lagavulin whisky distillery was founded by John Johnston.

Surrounded by dark peat bog and drawing its water from the Solan Lochs, Lagavulin sits at the head of a bay and not far from the ruins of Dunyvaig castle. The best-selling Islay single malt scotch until 1998, when it was overtaken by the neighbouring Laphroaig, Lagavulin is currently experiencing problems in meeting whisky demands. The recent difficulties stem from a few decades when working conditions were decidedly lax; a two day working week led to very low production and it was not until 1981 that a five day week was finally instated.

Lagavulin holds claim to Scotland’s slowest distillation with five hours for the first distillation and a further nine for the second. Despite the pungency of the single malt, there is a certain smoothness to the palate which many attribute to the leisurely rate of distillation. The heart of the Lagavulin range receives global acclaim and there have been almost no independent bottlings. Currently as much as 98% of the spirit is earmarked for maturation as a single malt and Diageo have included Lagavulin in their Classic Malts range.
I was introduced to Lagavulin at a wake in Dunkeld (which is a lovely place), it remains one of my firm favourites, both for taste and sentimental reasons :)
Well I am lucky enough to live in an area containing Booths stores so at the moment there is a lot of single malts on offer at £5-10 off. I have a highland park for less than £20 but could have gone for a laphroag 10yro or... Well I can't remember them all but even some of the more priceyones they sell are now less than £30!. Anyway I got the highland park on MOndya (god i hope its was monday because if it was tuesday half a bottle gone is rather too much considering its price. Think I'll get a grouse for those nights I want a drink drink and not those where I want to savour the flavour. Perhaps that way it works out cheaper. Jura is cheap and a fw islay ones too. Bad memory or I'd let you know what is on offer. Or perhaps the memory was lubricated away by something.

Not a big malt drinker and have a cold at the moment so perhaps that is why I drank a bit too much of it. That and the fact I measure the amount by the heigh up the glass and only after I have drunk a few realise that the glass is a very wide tumbler.

What is a good malt BTW, not a really expensive one but one that is reasonable but basically good? I have tried ardbeg, highland park laphroag talisker but only a bit and a few others such as glenmorangie as a kid and glenfiddich as a kid including a special glenfid one me Dad got from a rep.
Well tonight I will be alternating betwen tea and rybena (with hot water for its vit c as I am feeling ****) and later on more highland park.

Just remembered a few years ago when I started geting whiskeys (before that I drank rum nit the cheap stuff but the single estate stuff when i could find it). Recycling is fortnightly and there were a few leading up to xmas that had about 5 or 6 bottles of mostly grouse with some single m alts in it! is that bad? plust the usual wine and beer bottles. That is just for me.
Well tonight I will be alternating betwen tea and rybena (with hot water for its vit c as I am feeling ****) and later on more highland park.

Have a hot toddy. Whisky (cheap stuff), hotish water (dont want the alochol to evapoarte), honey, grated ginger and lemom juice. There are many other variations on the hot toddy, but this is the way I make them, and always feel better for having one.
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