Hi, I'm new here, but am a frequent poster on the Spyderco.com forum where the discussion was started on a Spyderco bush-craft knives.
About grinds, I used my Fallkniven F1 for some really hard batonning through pretty hard wood (2.5") to split it up to make fire on my last trip to Scotland. The edge is still pretty OK to my amazement. I wonder if that's due to the convex grind, where in batonning the edge is only shortly in touch with the wood (only when you start).
With a flat-ground or single-scandi grind, I guess the edge would be under more pressure? And, I wonder when splitting wood, if the single-bevel-scandi grind would push the blade in one direction and make it difficult to split it in half? ( I don't have a single-bevel-scandi grind knife).
I tried to illustrate it with the following picture. Any comments on that?
The actual fire: