what weekend food


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
going to the woods for a long weekend in Novemeber, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and would normaly use army ration packs, but im in a statick location and just intend to do crafts, bearing this in mind i might just take "normal food" with me......

i should have some bunnies with me for tanning the hides so that will be 1 meal....... im close to the car and can take what i want but am wanting minimal pots pans etc......

the crfting in wanting to do is carving, shelter building, tanning bunny skin and codage making........

my question is:- what would you use for your food and why......




It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Tescos do a very nice boil in the bag lamb shank with minted gravy.

Freeze it then it'll last til your sunday night and you can take packet mashed potatoe, using the water you boil the shank in to make the mash :D

As to why... because it's a darn sight better than a run of the mill rat pack :rolleyes:
me i would go with bannok and chorizo for main foods.
fry the chorizo and it makes a lovely spicy crunchy meat, then use the oil that comes out to fry your bannock or dip the bannock in it.
i'd also take some jacket spuds just chuck in the fire until ready.
as you are car based and stationary you can take pretty much what ever you fancy as weight isnt a concern

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
you not going to be there Raikey????????

unfortunatly not mate,...really disapointed :(

but well done on the organisation of it all,,,

i,m waiting for the pics and reports to come,....

please consider me for any future dates tho,.....


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
IMHO, experiment with your skills, Bannock bread is a good one, perhaps make some wild soup?

other than that take stuff in tins jars so it won't go off get crushed or get eaten by rodents!


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
A stew is always a good start, take any meat fry up with onions then throw in the pot , add any veg add herbs spices stock cubes and simmer for as long as you want, longer the better.
Chicken kebabs just make swewers (hazel is good just debark and sharpen both ends) stick them in the floor infront of the fire leaning towards it after adding chicken, choritzio, peppers, mushies and baby toms. Also warm some pita bread near the fire. Natural yogart with a little garlic makes a nice sauce.
IN the day time i usually just go for bacon and eg butties :)


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