what to take......



i am going on an amazing trip to iceland!! cant wait!!!

we will be camping.

does anyone have any ideas of good things to take other than basics -normal clothes, thermarest, sleeping bag, boots etc.???

thanks, want to be prepared but light to seeing as im going by plane.
I went to Iceland with my wife for our honeymoon - its a beautiful and largely unspoilt landscape with many fantastic places to visit.

It might sound obvious, but make sure you have warm clothing - we were there in October, it was dry but the temperature was around 0 to -1 degrees C. However, as there was little wind and the air was relatively dry it didn't actually feel as cold as it does normally in winter in the UK.

Whilst we were there we bought traditional hand made hats (woolen outer, fleece inner) - you know the traditional style with the flaps that come down & cover your ears & the back of your neck and dangly tassles below the ears. I think its worth its weight in gold and still use it as my winter outdoors hat - despite how I look wearing it !! :D

I'll admit I'm more than a little jealous with the talk of your trip, we'd love to go back - one day.


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
Take a copy of an icelandic saga to read. Seriously. I know it may sound a bit crass, but sitting there reading it in the land it was written...
Well, it just feels good. And that's as much as you can expect. 'Njal's Saga', 'Grettir The Strong' - something like that.
Years ago, I went to Turkey and went to the supposed ruins of Troy to help with an archaeological excavation. I sat there each evening and reread The Illiad and you know what, it was just about one of the best things I ever did.
Seriously, take an icelandic saga. I promise you.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2006
Take the same gear as the UK just remember it will be a bit cooler- dont go mad though its not a massive difference.
A good pertex windproof is useful as Iceland is treeless and has few natural windbreaks. It sounds daft but dont forget your swimming costume- geothermal pools are all over Iceland and 'The Blue Lagoon' is world famous.
If your going up onto the glaciers make sure you've good sun specks and protection from the ice reflection. I seem to remember Rekjavik has a couple of outdoor shops if you forget anything.
As always Lonely plant books help you get the best out of your trip. Lots of good photographic scenery here too.
Have a nice time.


Jan 17, 2008
The Danelaw
Second what durulz said. I still have Hrafnkel's Saga (and other stories) and Laxdaela saga on my bookshelf twenty-five years after a cycling trip there. Just wish I'd read them beforehand...


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