What to bring to the Pennines?



Hello all. I need some advice on how much stuff Il need to bring along with me on a trip I intend on doing soon.

The trip will take around a week and a half and will be going through the peninnes. I have no idea what they are like as Ive never been through them.

On top of that being currently unemployed is rather annoying because I cant go out and buy loads of things and the last trip I went on I had to dump aload of equipment (don't worry it was in a town bin) because my feet were so sore I couldn't carry them anymore since I have this tendancy to pack the kitchen sink.

So what bare essentials should I pack for a week long walking? So far all I know I should bring is a sleeping bag, a hammock and a basher sheet. Il need a few spare clothes but Im wondering whether things such as axe's and gas stoves are really needed or where I should just bring some firelighters and a messtin to cook in.

What do people think anyway because although Im not new to camping and walking, Ive always had this tendancy to pack way too much shizzle Il never use.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
It's been quite a while since I've been anywhere round there but I don't recall a lot of woodland, so you might have trouble finding decent hammock pitches. You'll almost certainly need decent rain gear, and I really wouldn't rely on being able to source firewood, so you'll want some alternative means of cooking - whether that's a stove or hexy tabs is a matter of personal preference. I certainly wouldn't bother with an axe. You should be able to source water without much problem (so you won't need to carry a lot), as long as you've got some means of making it safe (much of the area is sheep country, IIRC, so you don't want to be drinking directly from streams).

Whether you need to pack all your food depends on your proposed route - there's a lot to be said for being able to resupply.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 29, 2003
Agree re the gaiters.

Depends where you're going, but much of the Pennines is moorland, and you may find hammocking difficult. Fires are also difficult on moorland.

My choice would be to skip the hammock and axe and bring a lightweight tent.

Travel light. There are a lot of hills, and heather and bog. In spring/summer I'd be looking to keep the pack well below 15kg.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
Some good advice already, but just to echo:

  • Leave the axe
  • Take a stove
  • Gaiters
  • Water purification gear
  • Tent / tarp and walking pole & bivvy bag
  • 1:25 map & compass
  • Decent waterproofs



robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Some good advice already, but just to echo:

  • Leave the axe
  • Take a stove
  • Gaiters
  • Water purification gear
  • Tent / tarp and walking pole & bivvy bag
  • 1:25 map & compass
  • Decent waterproofs



I'll second that or is it third? or forth it?

Count on it being wet and zero visibility every day and anything else is a bonus. Tent yes, tarp no, few suitable places with trees depending on area. Personally I would keep a bit of cash spare so if it all gets dire you can have one day in a B&B and dry your gear out midweek.


Jan 5, 2004
Bingley,West Yorkshire
if you want to take a tarp there are plenty of dry stone walls to pitch against. I'm looking at doing the Dalesway in Feb and my concerns are more about the temp whilst bivying and getting kit dried over night




Oh dear, what have I got myself into lol. Thanks to all of you guys, your advice is worth its weight in gold.

I dont know why but everytime I go away somewhere I just want to pack everything, must be an OCD thing or something lol.

I won't be going probably until around April/May time, its just with the way the job market it is at the moment I wont have a chance to buy everything I need in a short space of time so I need to think ahead. I need new walking boots before anything else anyway. Last year I went up Ben Nevis in steel toecaps. My God! Never again.


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