What sort of winter do you predict?

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
Bit of road flooding around here too, yesterday, though thankfully not from rivers overtopping, still time for that as the ground is sodden .
One tree down blocking the road, luckily there was an available detour, and it was soon cleared.
Brighter and calmer today, even the odd 30 second blast of sunshine every so often. But basically a grey day again.
I realy miss that glorious autumn sunshine on golden trees.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Well I live near an estuary but even with the worst model on climate change related flooding the worse it'll get is to the road over 1 storey below my front door. I can get out via the back door and up a footpath even if I am still around here in 2080 when the flooding could happen IF the worst possible prediction conditions are applied.

The other advantage is the rail line through our village is well above the high tide level and the maximum flood level too.

However in a more realistic POV do not read the daily fail and daily express predictions on winter conditions. If you actually believed the 300mph winds, arctic conditions worse than the ice age and massive biblical floods you'd probably move to the Sahara!! Mind you those newspapers would probably give a similar doom and gloom forecast for the Sahara too. Massive biblical floods, snow 5 m deep and the like!!

Me I tend to think it is just a wetter and warmer version of what I had as a kid. Which means the only thing stopping schools from opening is if the bus route is under water from all the rain. Highly possible in some areas round here. I think we will need grit less than flooded road signs.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
I just think it will be a little cold for about 2 weeks during which time we will see a little condensation in the loft, but not enough to be a major issue. All I care about is that it does not get too cold and the condensation issue be bad.


Full Member
Jul 19, 2023
The flood plane of the River Tern comes up to my fence line but the river is fifty metres away. The field next door is boggy but if ever the water were come to anywhere near the fence, Shrewsbury would be completely under water.

There is a small brook at the back that joins the river. It helps to drain The Weald Moors. It runs in a deep gully and if ever I can see the water from the house I know things are getting deep. It is definitely happening more frequently over the last ten years but I’m safe enough and well above it. In days of yore (forty years ago) I could sledge from the garden fence to the brook. I doubt I’ll see deep snow here now.

Two years ago I bit the bullet and had my whole roof replaced and deep gutters fitted. I also had the remaining chimney stack refurbished. I have a certain smug satisfaction as the rain hammers down and the storms blow but you never really know.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
I live on the side of a flood plain / boggy area behind an old railway dyke from the tidal estuary. There are flood protection details such as flood gates and dykes around the relatively flat farmland opposite my house. The house itself is a bungalow with a garage and undercroft below. This makes the front of the house about 1 story above the garden at the front that is about 1m above the surface of the pavement in front. The driveway goes up a little to the garage at the end of the house. The house is parallel to the road and the rear is just one storey high before the roof comes down to the gutter. The garden rises up the hill steeply behind. One side there is a wide shared driveway and the other the house has two narrow paths between the two houses.

This all means that the strong winds never hit the house unless it blows in straight on to the front of the house which actually is very rare with typical wind directions. So the roof, which the previous owner put in along with solar panels, faces very little that will damage it. Overall the house is like the really old houses and cottages were built locally. Namely they were often sheltered in the hillside or in some other way. It is really the new houses that are put where the developer can put houses without shelter. It is actually a well built 70s house that is actually within a month of when I was born!!!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.