Nothing complicated about my screen name. I am big, I can be very bad and my name is Stewart.
I used to work for a mate's bikeshop selling stuff at race meetings from a tradestand. There were lots of Stu's at the time, Stu Griff, Stoopid Stu and I was Big Stu:bluThinki .
The Bad bit came along when I was working with Clive the boss and I caught someone trying to shoplift off the stand I told them that they shouldn't because it would really hurt. How? came the reply. I simply informed them what I would be forced to do to them if they persisted, I seem to remember it involved crutches. :twak:
From then on I was known as Big Bad Stu! (quite a compliment from someone who once wanted to throw a shoplifter down the stairs into the cellar until the cops came around to get him).
I will get round to having it tattooed on at some point.
PS Don't tell anyone but I am as soft as s~*t most of the time!