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Muck boots.

Always hated wellies with a passion, reminds me of freezing winters down by the river, fishing as kids. Best times of my life, but oh the agony we all suffered with our feet!
Never been a fan of wellies til i used some really nice ones working at a hatchery for a few weeks. There was none of that horrible sweaty sock, too hot or too cold feeling, super comfortable to walk in, like walking on cushions n got good air circulation.
But they werent really "outdoor" wellies.
A few family members who have got through quite a lot of expensive wellies have bought muck boots and not looked back since.
A friend of mine got some xtratuf wellies, they look really nice also n heard good things about them too.

When we had flooding earlier on in the year there was a couple of times I wished i had some tall rubber boots. My leather boots while they are well treated, theyre only good up to where the bellows tongue ends if anything all that time spent waterproofing the boots just makes them harder to dry once it spills over the top haha fortunately they are unlined and i can remove the insoles so its no bother.
But i could really get behind a good pair of rubber boots.
Leathers brilliant as a year round, general purpose material, but in those conditions where for weeks on end, when you leave the house you just cant keep your feet dry.
And while id NEVER wear slip on boots, the fact you can slip your mucky wellies on and off is a bonus.

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Want to buy a home, my wonderful wife and 2 lovely girls have in a way been camping out at the same property for the last 10 years, everytime we get close to a deposit, the goal posts move, time and time again. Nothing to complex, just want to be able to open the doors and let the children play safely.

And of course close to a woodland...
Waterproof jacket. My mountaineering jacket isn't right for me now. I'm not always fully waterproofed up with me trousers too so I need a slightly longer one. Not Rohan rainshadow length more what mountain equipment used to be like. Enough to cover the groin area enough such that the rain runs onto the thighs not the groin. I'm also finding the current one, which is a very good design in its day about 8 years ago, is a little tight at the neck/top of the back in a line around the neck. Don't know why but it's not as supremely comfortable as it was fir is first 4 years of use.

Anyone got a mainstream, outdoor (as in hiking) jacket to recommend for a tall but still slim person? Paramo do not have anything even their £600+ mountain rescue/high altitude jacket is the wrong shape for me (short arms, good fit torso or right length arms, too wide torso).
I've been saving a lot of money this year, and bought a few essentials for off grid living, or total societal collapse and medical emergencies.
I bought a nebuliser, as I'm asthmatic, and occasionally have quite bad attacks, so now can treat myself at home instead of trying to get to the surgery, or having to wait for an ambulance.
I also bought a small battery operated one in case the electricity fails at the same time.
Maybe a bit overcaucios but after waiting7 hrs for an ambulance when I broke my foot earlier this year, it made me think.
I've stocked up on coal for the fire, and a pile of logs too. Still awaiting my neighbour who promised to build me a log store, so they are getting a bit wet, despite a tarp.
Shall have to give him a good kick up the wotsit! :) :) :)
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There's a couple of things I'd like ... mainly comfy clothes for pegging about in the winter.

But, there is one massive choice. A pair of Smith 4D Mag goggles are much needed items .... but since I won't be skiing this year by the look of things and since they are almost the same price as a Tarptent Scarp 1, it maybe the tent. I have a tent or two already, but I have been itching for the Scarp1 for years. So, you see the nature of the dilemma.

There's no way I need another knife, but A Spyderco Paramilitary 2 in M4 is really keening from the frozen forest. I should rescue it, I think.

I need polarized sunglasses too. And a new down quilt. I try not to think about new Volkl or Black Crows boards and the bindings .... mmm, bindings
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I want to buy a quicker kayak that's a bit more sea worthy. The tandem has been great but it's a big slow brute. Very stable mind, but not in the slightest bit nimble. Hoping that a bargain will pop up over winter, not holding my breath
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I don't want this ... well, I do, but another rucksack showing up will have me shot at dawn.

So, in case anyone else is interested - is this a known quantity? It's new to me.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.