Watermelon Health Benefits

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Cancer also LOVES a simple carbohydrate rich bloodstream- most western diets have a lot of Carbs in them from processed and refined foodstuffs.

My youngest son had cancer, and trust me, his diet was not the cause or the complication.

Thing is too, that if you do have cancer, then your appetite (and the ability to eat, the horrendous mouth and throat ulcers caused by the treatments are very common) often disappears. Food loses both it's appeal and it's pleasure. If you don't eat though, the cancer eats you.

High carb, and easily digested food, is often a very great boon. My 93 year old Uncle has cancer, it's in his hip bone, and he can still clear the table :) He's had the damned disease for five years now. Old age keeps it very slow growing, but that he still eats, and enjoys his dinner, is according to his Doctors, one of his best abilities to fight it.

Re. Cancer. It's because we live longer. Your odds of developing a mutation increase the older you get.

Although I sort of agree with that, it doesn't seem to hold true for the residents of Okinawa. Or at least they seem able to mitigate the ageing effects through some other factor.

Likely diet.
Myth of WWII that people ate oodles of veg and fruit. Have a look at pictures of the period when a greengrocer announced that they had some fruit in? Any foodstuff was in short supply and this was the secret of the healthy wartime, and after, diet. Some did with productive gardens and the British Restaurants ensured that a reasonably priced meal was available, balanced but padded out with carbohydrates of one form or another.
I think Mountain and Rik are right about the cancer increases: We're living longer and getting better at diagnosing. That said we're also exposed to more cancer causing pollutants I expect (maybe with the exception that smoking seems to be decreasing)

I agree with everybody's comments regarding the skepticism about claims/wording that anything "detoxifies." It seems to be one of the fads of the day.
......The plain old dark green watermelon varieties had the best taste. Period. And the best seeds for spitting.
The demand for junk melons these days leaves me shaking my pointy head.

Yeah I like the plain old watermelons were the best. Oddly though, the dark green wasn't the only one. The striped rind ones were also common from the beginning; as were the yellow meat ones (those are actually rarer no) The new "seedless" varieties are basically tasteless.
I usually give up when i see the word "detoxify"....

I usually play BS bingo add antioxidants and free radicals for the full house noone ever supports this stuff with any peer reviewed eveidence based publications...

Cancer also LOVES a simple carbohydrate rich bloodstream- most western diets have a lot of Carbs in them from processed and refined foodstuffs.

Thats simply because they are your cells gone rouge - they LOVE a rich blood supply too so what do you suggest - stopping the heart?

Although I sort of agree with that, it doesn't seem to hold true for the residents of Okinawa. Or at least they seem able to mitigate the ageing effects through some other factor.

Likely diet.

Diet and life style do indeed play their part but genetics is also a very important as is the exposure to particular environmental factors

www.okicent.or is an interesing read particularly and yet many countires are catching up anyway, what also needs to be remembered is we'd have a fair few more people living to a centry if they hadn't died in major conflict.
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"flush out edema"
What twaddle.

I'm not that fond of watermelon, probably because eating it in Australia resulted in the watermelon and your face coated with flies.
Cancer also LOVES a simple carbohydrate rich bloodstream- most western diets have a lot of Carbs in them from processed and refined foodstuffs.

I suppose it depends on just what type cancer doesn't it? IIRC the current thinking is that red meat and fat rich diets contribute to colon cancer.
To the best of my observations the word "detoxify" is usually used with almost any and all fruits that have a diuretic effect. I have no idea if that really is any benefit or if it's just hype, but watermelons certainly do have a diuretic effect.
To the best of my observations the word "detoxify" is usually used with almost any and all fruits that have a diuretic effect. I have no idea if that really is any benefit or if it's just hype, but watermelons certainly do have a diuretic effect.

So does beer :)
Haha, I don't know anyone who's drunk the stuff since the late 80's. Incredibly sweet stuff.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.

Yeah, the articles I found did say it was used as a mixer for cocktails rather than drunk straight.
Yeah I've seen several articles on the benefits of chocolate over the last decade or so. It seems like all my old vices are turning into good habits :)
Oddly enough when I smoked I didn't get hayfever - now I've quit it's a nightmare again particularly between May and July unless I'm by the beach


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