Yes, office work. What prevents people enjoying their work, or getting satisfaction out of it, is constant change, interruption, lack of respect, the resultant lack of self esteem, illogical action and thinking from others etc. etc. If you create the mental barriers, and build the working processes to prevent the external inputs, there is pure joy in writing a well structured and meaningful report!Office work? really?
Can you explain your position how it applies to Combat? Genuinely interested.
( Maybe in PM if awkward to discuss here )

As far as combat is concerned, speak to any true master of a martial art (and I don't just mean oriental martial arts, though they are good examples). The very best I have met have always been 'in the zone' when they fight, never tense, never aggressive, but in the moment. Krav-Maga may be an exception, I don't know - that looks more like a Tasmanian devil let loose in a chicken pen