I buy Waitrose Organic, Spanish, or Greek olive oil here. If out of stock, Gaia Organic.
Foodstuffs are continuously tested in Europe for content. If not up to scratch, heavily, heavily fined or a prison sentence.
Waitrose does own testing too. Does not want to lose the name.
We have had a couple of 'adulteration' scandals in Europe and since then the controls are very rigorous.
Cheap olive oil in Spain that was no olive oil.. Glycol to sweeten wine in Austria. The latest one was undeclared Horse meat in meat foods.
No toxins or chemicals in the horse meat was detected, so perfectly safe to eat, but the labeling said Beef. It was Beef Plus.
Findus, a Swedish company did that one. Excellent Meatballs.
Horse is cheaper they say. But I always paid much more for Horse Steak than for Beef when we shopped in France.
Remember Clockwork Orange?
Moloko Plus. Bring it on!
USA has a problem with European cheese because the milk is unpasteurized?
BS. The vast majority of European milk or milk products are made using pasteurized milk.
(Remember, we invented pasteurization.)
But to be fair to the French ( they like cheese made from unpasteurized milk) the cheese process eliminates most of the harmful bacteria if done properly. It has to be a very filthy cheesery to make Listeria infected cheese!
They do not want the population to know how cheese made the proper way, and aged the proper length of time, tastes like.
Government protecting Big Food.
Me, I do not allow unpasteurized milk or cheese in my home. My body does not get immunized for TB, despite several tries and many tests.