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Vegans!!!! Fine :) But I'll never understand why some people would want to cause the extinction of at least 4 species of animals willingly!!! If everyone went vegan there would be no cattle, pigs, sheep or fowls!!! no one would keep them as pets!!! They are a valuable resource!! :) !!!!!

Vegan - Aboriginal for "Bad Hunter" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Well, we're very much in the minority, so nothing's being driven to extinction just yet. Not sure that widespread veganism predicates the extinction of all domesticated animals, anyway. Certainly, their numbers would be allowed to fall quite radically, but how would the vegan overlords accomplish this extinction? They wouldn't exactly be up for slaughtering them all. Nice use of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fair enough BR. In fact I know many people who do the same in the opposite direction as well. Just so you realize it is funny when you say it that way.

Its pretty much funny whenever I speak ;)

Its pretty much the English version of "Duck Dynasty" around here - indeed BB reckons "Jase" is a colonial version of me (except younger and with a shorter beard :))
Its pretty much funny whenever I speak ;)

Its pretty much the English version of "Duck Dynasty" around here - indeed BB reckons "Jase" is a colonial version of me (except younger and with a shorter beard :))

And nine million bicycles in Beijing according to Katie Melua. But I don't like to dwell on her or the bicycles.
Vegan - Aboriginal for "Bad Hunter" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Love it... My eldest daughter is a vegetarian, but still likes the flavour of meat, some of the quorn stuff she eats tastes more meaty than meat does.

I'll eat most stuff, fish, beef, pork, lamb and I have been known to eat rabbit, and rabbit eats its own faecal matter and beef eats grass that it's buddy just pooped and pee'd on...No big deal
I was a vegetarian for a few years, no specific reason I just drifted in to it when I was studying and poor, I started to eat meat again when I started work in forestry as I wasn't getting enough energy from a vegetarian diet, vegan seems too extreme, probably okay if you live in warmer climes. For us it's sustainability that is important, if you have to depend on imported and processed food, or food grown under glass your diet is far from natural, in a natural environment what would a vegan eat in winter? The hunter gatherer diet craze, reinforced the view that a natural seasonal diet that included meat, fish and insects was the healthiest option.
I don't know what you were eating but most vegetarians stuggle not to eat too many carbs, oils and sugars. Winter's easy, grains, pulses and nuts all last and don't need feeding like animals do.

Poor hunter :rolleyes: uhuh....not convinced. The majority of food procured by hunter gatherers isn't meat. A man with no wife goes hungry because she and her children forage most of the grub.

Just curious to know what vegan contingent we have? I'll put my hand up.

I got talking to a lovely young lady at a badger-scaring night-walk the other day. I'd gone there on my motor-bike, so naturally I was clad head to toe in leather.

She said "I'm a vegan".

Have you ever tried to hide behind a carrier bag? :)
I was a vegetarian for a few years, no specific reason I just drifted in to it when I was studying and poor, I started to eat meat again when I started work in forestry as I wasn't getting enough energy from a vegetarian diet, vegan seems too extreme, probably okay if you live in warmer climes. For us it's sustainability that is important, if you have to depend on imported and processed food, or food grown under glass your diet is far from natural, in a natural environment what would a vegan eat in winter? The hunter gatherer diet craze, reinforced the view that a natural seasonal diet that included meat, fish and insects was the healthiest option.

I hear you, but not all vegans are in it because of health. I grant you that there do seem to be some who are in it entirely for some masochistic martyrdom thing. The whole vegan stereotype thing is, I think, somewhat slewed by the fact that a moderate vegan (one who is willing to put health first if the need arises) is often attacked from both sides for not being vegan, if not hypocrisy.

I got talking to a lovely young lady at a badger-scaring night-walk the other day. I'd gone there on my motor-bike, so naturally I was clad head to toe in leather.

She said "I'm a vegan".

Have you ever tried to hide behind a carrier bag? :)

:D :D isn't it amazing how plastic can look like leather ?....doesn't work or wear like it though.

......Poor hunter :rolleyes: uhuh....not convinced. The majority of food procured by hunter gatherers isn't meat. A man with no wife goes hungry because she and her children forage most of the grub.


Depends on what you call "meat." Along the East coast here most of the native peoples were a combination farmer & hunter/gatherer. Large crops for veg but most of their meat was hunted by the men.

On the other hand, in the desert Southwest there was very little farming. A good deal of the foraging was indeed done by the women (for native vegetation) There was some "meat" hunted by the men but it was most often grubbed instead; bugs, worms, lizards, snakes, etc.

In the cold climate (Alaska) it was almost entirely meat hunted by the men.

I believe you said "her children?" Did she conceive all alone?
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Poor hunter :rolleyes: uhuh....not convinced. The majority of food procured by hunter gatherers isn't meat. A man with no wife goes hungry because she and her children forage most of the grub.


I have no wife but I'm ok because my lovely mum still insists on making my ham sandwiches for work. I drop past in the morning and they're hanging outside ready to pick up. Proper ham too!


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