I am a vegan as is my Wife, our three children are vegetarians, all VERY healthy and fit.
Dont expect too many serious replies from the masses here though, most are heathen.okenest:
Should a vegan be poking a wasps' nest?

I am a vegan as is my Wife, our three children are vegetarians, all VERY healthy and fit.
Dont expect too many serious replies from the masses here though, most are heathen.okenest:
Pigs trotters (when you can get them) are yummy yummyWith mushy peas, vinegar and pepper
For those who like a good stew try adding a couple of trotters to the mix, they will enrich the gravy wonderfully well. Try a classic French daube de boeuf recipe its slow cooked and stunning. Santaman do you cook Ox Tail? Another wonderful base for a stew.
I don't think Franglais was arguing that point - the points he was making were that animals are often reared on land unsuitable for growing vegetables (hill farming sheep is a good example). The production of meat adds to available food since one could no raise vegetables there.
He also made the point that I have made before that biodiversity and wildlife does better on grazing land than crop land. When I see the monoculture deserts used for farming vegetables around here it is far from a "win"![]()
where does calcium come from?
Flax seed is very high in calcium as are most leafy green veg.....