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You Vegans are a PITA if you're throwing a dinner party for a mixed group. Vegetarians are bad enough. Then you find one of your guests is a gluten intolerant diabetic vegan with a nut allergy.... Oh boy.

Not diabetic and no nut allergy, but everything else applies :D

You know when you go to a vegeterians for a meal how thet always keep on at you to try it while waving veg under you nose?

I wonder if they'll have the same grin when you hold a steak under their nose and keep telling them to try it.

I don't do that; I even offer my guests dead things ;)
I don't cook them in the same pots or serve them in the same dishes, right enough.
Tbh most folks don't seem to mind if I only have vegetarian though.

I don't offer fish though; even the cat didn't get fish.

I'm not horrible to spastics and I help old ladies across the road. Where's my medal of smugness huh?

Would a T-Shirt do Bushwacker?

Aye, but did they old ladies want to go across the road ? and are we still allowed to call those poor benighted souls spastics ? Dreadful affliction they have :sigh:


Careful, 'benighted souls' could evolve into a derogatory term if people let it.
I don't do that; I even offer my guests dead things ;)

I don't offer fish though; even the cat didn't get fish.


Ahhh then you can come for a meal :)

We have a rule that says "if we cater for your dietary choices, its reasonable to expect you to cater for ours" :) You don't have to cook steak long for BB's taste though - in fact a good vet should be able to revive it!

With you on the fishhhhes though - never eat anything that swims in its own excrement!
I like vegan food, when it is well done. Indians have the veggie food recipes licked. Dropping the ghee for oil make quite few recipes really good vegan food. Peanuts do cook well.

I vary my diet from a what a previous poster called paleo veggie with road kill, to veggie, to eating "ordinary" food. I do feel better for eating a mostly veggie diet, but it is easier to shove a scotch pie and chips in the oven sometimes than think five hours in advance about rehydrating chick peas. I think when the kids leave home I will end up veggie again.
I don't do that; I even offer my guests dead things ;)
I don't cook them in the same pots or serve them in the same dishes, right enough.
Tbh most folks don't seem to mind if I only have vegetarian though.

I don't offer fish though; even the cat didn't get fish.


You offer your guests dead things?
As opposed to LIVE things:rolleyes:
Only kidding, I know what you mean.;)
You offer your guests dead things?
As opposed to LIVE things:rolleyes:
Only kidding, I know what you mean.;)

This is bcuk, some of us eat insects.
Well i harvest nettle seed and bulrush pollen and cook it until it stops moving. That is not very vegan, but wild mushrooms are an excellant source of vitD are normally moving slightly too much to be vegan.
You Vegans are a PITA if you're throwing a dinner party for a mixed group. Vegetarians are bad enough. Then you find one of your guests is a gluten intolerant diabetic vegan with a nut allergy.... Oh boy.

None of my family are vegetarian or vegan. But I am diabetic (runs in my family unfortunately) and my daughter's a celiac; a bit worse than 'gluten intolerant' as it can and has hospitalize her very quickly. It can indeed be difficult plan a suitable menu.
None of my family are vegetarian or vegan. But I am diabetic (runs in my family unfortunately) and my daughter's a celiac; a bit worse than 'gluten intolerant' as it can and has hospitalize her very quickly. It can indeed be difficult plan a suitable menu.

Go indian!!!!!

Pakora: chick pea flour, with nettles, onion, cauliflower or what ever, with a bit cumin and other spices. With some dips. UUmmmm food of the Gods.
Vegans!!!! Fine :) But I'll never understand why some people would want to cause the extinction of at least 4 species of animals willingly!!! If everyone went vegan there would be no cattle, pigs, sheep or fowls!!! no one would keep them as pets!!! They are a valuable resource!! :) !!!!!

Vegan - Aboriginal for "Bad Hunter" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.