Uni choice


Apr 13, 2011
United Kingdom
Paying bills, cooking, cleaning, shopping, budgeting, living with other people.

In my experience over a good few years far to many learn to do none of the above with any real success and if anything are less able to do those things than the average kid that leaves home to live in his first flat. Accommodation is one of the areas I deal with at a University.

tent peg

Jan 13, 2014
Sherwood Forest
In my experience over a good few years far to many learn to do none of the above with any real success and if anything are less able to do those things than the average kid that leaves home to live in his first flat. Accommodation is one of the areas I deal with at a University.

I have a little more faith in our young people than that, given the chance most thrive :thumbup:


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
What's it got to do with faith? They either learn stuff or they don't and in my opinion the current educational model in the UK, from top to bottom, fails miserably for most but not all students; I have a lot of contact with young people either still in or just out of higher education and the level at which they leave with decent degree passes amazes me, both in terms of life skills and in terms of what they have studied and their fitness to move on into the world in which they have to live and earn a living.

I don't neccessarily put the fault at the door of the students themselves, rather I think that the system and those who administer it have lost their way somewhat.

I'll leave it there as otherwise it'll stray into political territory and I'm not going to go there. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Of course there are many worthwhile University courses and keen and able students who end with very worthwhile degrees, nonsense to say otherwise. Having taken my degree externally I should, I suppose, say that University based learning is not necessary but I believe that the whole experience and the interchange of ideas is extraordinarily valuable. It is a national shame that money figures so largely in a student's choices though.


Apr 13, 2011
United Kingdom
Further education has so many variables from the child itself through to the location of the University and everything in between. Brilliant courses, brilliant lecturers and brilliant kids abound but at the same time so do half witted kids worthless courses and by the numbers staff are also aplenty.

Admittedly the worst kids don't often get past the first year but you do wonder how they got in, in the first place. You would be shocked at the quality of the work they hand in and expect a pass grade for. Hand on heart some of the freshers are borderline illiterate.

As for them learning the ropes of how to live a life most of them will still use Mum and Dad to sort out problems of the most basic kind including such gems as "my daughter has a gas leak in her flat and if you don't sort it out now I am going to call the fire brigade" Staff are sent immediately only to find the bins in the kitchen have not been emptied for a fortnight and are full of stinking rotten food. To "My son has had his new iPad stolen from his flats kitchen so It needs to be replaced immediately as it was an expensive present" On investigation security find that it is open house and no one locks the doors when this is explained to the child and parent that they are responsible for their own kit especially when it is not secured they threaten to call the press. The list goes on and on and on.

As for the notion of the poverty stricken student, don't believe a word of it. Most of them have takeaway food everyday, go out clubbing twice a week and would not know an own brand supermarket label if it bit them on the bum. This is of course not all of them and the majority are great but the minority is not as small as you might like to think.


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