Traditional Butcher Display


Oct 9, 2009
No way can they be locals... It's Suffolk, a proper local would need both hands and a friend to count all their toes so there's little chance of them mounting a successful hate mail campaign. Delicious irony though... the Daily (hate) Mail reporting a story about hate mail. It would only have been better if reported in The Express!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
I remember the Lanark butchers getting the meat from the Lanark cattle market just at the top of the town, I went into the butchers one day and there was a crate of chickens and my Gran said to Charlie the butcher could he keep her a medium sized bird, I thought I was getting a pet next day she went off to pickup the bird so when I came in I asked my Gran if she had got the chicken she said its in the scullery I was so so disappointed when I saw the plucked bird on the table still with head and feet on.
In Coventry there used to be a grocer/game dealer on the Stoney Stanton Rd Eddie Flavell he used to have rabbits, pheasants, Quail, pigeon ect. but took them down as had received warning from the local council.I think it was goatboy who said its hard to get Mutton we live in a rural area of Wales NO. Mutton...but the local butcher can get it at £17 a kilo:confused: I think its a meat that has fallen out of favour, In Scotland It was a cheap meat not anymore it seems.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I know a joke about that.

Young lad gets taken on as The Boy on a hillfarm. He does every mucky task under the sun. Long days, hard work, cold hard bed, and not a lot of fun.
Mostly they feed him porridge, but the old cockeral died, so they had broth and they had boiled chicken from him. Not exactly good food, but a wee change.
A month or two later and the old goose died, and again he got broth and boiled fowl.
The farmer found a myxied rabbit, so they had that too.
Then one of the old sheep died, and they had braxie for weeks.
When the old granny died, he ran away...:rolleyes:

There used to be an awful lot more sheep about, and sheep can feed on poorer ground than cattle. No wonder that mutton was a common dinner. It became fashionable for folks to want lamb though and the connotations of scrapie kind of put many off mutton too.

Hear? how to Tunnock's manage to get mutton for their pies though ? they still make them by the thousand, and they're not expensive, and it is mutton. Tastes just exactly the same as they did in the early 1960's says my English cousin who has to have them when he comes up to visit :)



White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I think the people that send the hate mail should be pursued by the police, those that send it anonymously are cowards and should be pursued by the police, not that I'm one for waisting police time but they pursue all sorts of other things....

And that was not intended as an introduction to slagging police off or some such, just a straight forward thought expressed :D

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I have to apply Thumper's rule to this one.

I agree that the hate mail group should be pursued. Rather than the police pursuing them, can we just give them a heads start? :)


Full Member
Sep 18, 2013
Isle of Arran
It does look like an ideal 'Daily Mail' story. :)

The markets here (Hungary) remind me shopping with my mum in the sixties (in Scotland), butcher shops have half pigs hanging in the windows, boxes of pig trotters, sawdust on the floor etc. :)

This is my butchers website.

Any chance I can put an order in for some good Hungarian smoked sausages and the like? I have a friend who has a flat in Budapest and when she goes home she always brought me back Palinka, smoked paprika, a hot paprika paste and a selection of sausages (some made you sweat just smelling them). Sadly I no longer live in Aberdeenshire so I doubt I will get any food parcels from her now. Up for the challenge??:D
Nov 29, 2004
Any chance I can put an order in for some good Hungarian smoked sausages and the like? I have a friend who has a flat in Budapest and when she goes home she always brought me back Palinka, smoked paprika, a hot paprika paste and a selection of sausages (some made you sweat just smelling them). Sadly I no longer live in Aberdeenshire so I doubt I will get any food parcels from her now. Up for the challenge??:D

PM me a postal address, no promises though. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I remember corrigens butchers in north london, they used to stack skinned sheeps heads in fridge at the end of the shop. They looked horrible. But you know what, the sight in all its pol pot grossness made me just that little bit less mollycoddled. The pig heads probably do scare small children, but at least it isn't reformed in to teddy bear and dinosaur shapes. I was a little put off by furred rabbits and feathered birds being hung over other meat, I know the critters have gone but I was suprised health inspectors allow it still.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 13, 2005
The banks of the Deveron.
My son asked me last week, as we sat down to our first Beef roast in memory, if it tasted like venison? He couldn't remember beef.

I take my meat from the field, and take a pride in it. It saddens me that people think it wrong to show the source. It's that distance that makes them think of price rather than the farmer or welfare of the animals.

Sad sad world.


Sep 6, 2010
It seems that thanks to a massive show of support from the UK and further afield, the butcher is putting his display back up.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Here's the new display :)



Apr 9, 2010
Vale of Glamorgan
I can't help thinking that lots of meat eaters are in denial, and they seem to like it that way. I was brought up a butcher's son and had lots of jobs in the industry. Preparing the window was my old fella's craft. I now live between two farms, so my kids are pretty clued up. If I buy half a pig, we get the chance to go next door and pick which one (if I'm being organised and planning ahead!).

Some of the kids at the local school have no clue where food comes from. If they grow up thinking meat comes from packets in the supermarket I reckon there's going to be a negative impact on traditional farming and foodstuffs. At some point these kids are going to grow up and start shopping with no clue that 'proper' fresh produce is even available and even if they did they'd have no clue what to do with it. Lambs don't come with cooking instructions on a sticky label. It's sad.

Edit - forgot to say, that new window display is a cracker!


Sep 5, 2013
At the end of this all I'm a skilled hunter and your just a lazy hunter by proxy is what I tell idiots who can't stand an animal that isn't in it's pretty pre packed plastic rubbish.
Last edited:


Sep 5, 2013
I went hunting the other day but before I went I had to pop in the emergency doctors to get some meds. Obviously in my woodland camo after waiting 45 mins to see a doctor I get in just about to sit down and she says STOP!! I'm in mid pose about to plonk my bum on her old nhs chair and she demands I take my waterproofs off. So with out to cause a argument I oblige, only then for to ask why I'm dressed like that. I said well I'm going hunting after this and I need to stock the freezer. Now I'm used to anti hunting remarks from people but a Middle Aged doctor to tell me she massively disapproves of hunting even though I stated I eat everything I kill. She look at me like an idiot because I prefer my freshly killed, free ranged, no fat or injected water meat game than to horse burgers from tescos absolutely amazed me. Surely eating a rabbit is healthier than porky, fat gristle, horse beef. So I ask her as I do everyone who belittles my choice of meat so you must be a vegetarian?! She soon perks up and sprouts amazing amounts of crap about what she believes why hunting is disgraceful but you can tell from her tiny arms and clean soft hands she's never seen a gun never mind fired one. And says after wards she's not a meat dodger. It amazes me how even the supposedly well educated people of this country fail to see what they are eating and connect the puzzle pieces together. But I shall struggle through and live my life with freshly caught or executed meat!

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