People today like to imbibe close to dangerous amounts of water, specially before they do a sport.
They call it ’hydrating’, thinking that they are building a reserve of easily accessible water.
Without realising that the regulating organ ( kidneys) start excreting this water excess as soon as it enters the system, so the electrolyte balance is maintained.
Being not a 100% perfect design, a small amount of electrolytes are stripped away from the body.
Of course, most if this water is packaged in nice little plastic bottles, that first add a nice dose of various chemicals to the water, while it dits in hot warehouses or containers while it is shipped around the world.
Then 5 minutes into the five, when the outside pressure increases, many people feel the need for a wee.
Cayman is for some reason a Jerusalem for divers. But our sharks are not being fed by humans, so we only feed human to thevsharks on very rare occasions, maybe once a year. Diver, fisherman, drunk tourist.
Vanish without a trace, so unexplained.
Except a couple of years ago, the only body part of the diver they found, the regulator, had a sharks tooth tip embedded in it.
It made a light coffin to fly home..
But despair not, come to us, drink yourself senseless and wee as much as you like!
Because the little nasty tick lady and the diseases she carries injure and kill far more people
than those cute fiskes!