I know mate,like I said ,if I had a tail I'd be chasing now.
You do have a tail....

...or what's left of one after a few million years of evolution have determined a tail is more of a hindrance than a help in your evolutionary niche.
I know mate,like I said ,if I had a tail I'd be chasing now.
I dont agree with that Jon. Some people need to be pointed at and laughed at loudly. It's the only natural treatment for stupidity and while it may not cure the afflicted, it serves well as a vaccine for others. Too many people buy into this garbage, because too many of the sensible people are too polite to point and laugh.
Nah - laughing at people is just rude (IMHO) being blunt in your refutation is fine and is just as effective as a vaccine.
Apearing rude diminishes your authority as an authority, polite rational argument makes your argument apear more....rational, and you more...polite
Never stoop to your oponents level - thats their turf and they have the home advantage....
Take the moral/logical high ground and you can p**s down on their arguments with ease - and you can easily be seen doing so by others....![]()
Seriously though, pointing and laughing is quite reasonable sometimes. It may be a bit rude, but I think that's quite reasonable too ...sometimes. In this case, Mike did his very best to engage the chap in intelligent, rational debate, but there comes a point where you realise a rational man arguing with an irrational man is an exercise in pure futility. To continue rationally arguing with those who refuse to be rational, gives credibility where it is not deserved. There is nothing left but to point and laugh.
I agree, my teeth suffer, mostly when people say “evolution is only a theory” without understanding the meaning of theory and that there is more proof for the theory of Evolution than there is for theory of gravity
You do have a tail....
...or what's left of one after a few million years of evolution have determined a tail is more of a hindrance than a help in your evolutionary niche.
The loss of the tail is nothing to do with evolution,it was the invention of chairs that saw it disappear.![]()
Evolution is just a theory? It's one that can be observed and measured and described, just like gravity and evaporation. All theories are only good until they are disproved though, so the day a seven legged purple monkey-aadvark that's 8m tall and has pink flashing horns pops into existence we'll need a new theory.
Being a theory doesn't mean something is wrong, just that is a likely explanation of current evidence.
What gets me is the God vs. Evolution debate; I can't see how the 2 are mutually exclusive.
Nah - laughing at people is just rude (IMHO) being blunt in your refutation is fine and is just as effective as a vaccine.
Apearing rude diminishes your authority as an authority, polite rational argument makes your argument apear more....rational, and you more...polite
Never stoop to your oponents level - thats their turf and they have the home advantage....
Take the moral/logical high ground and you can p**s down on their arguments with ease - and you can easily be seen doing so by others....![]()
Evolution is just a theory? It's one that can be observed and measured and described, just like gravity and evaporation. All theories are only good until they are disproved though, so the day a seven legged purple monkey-aadvark that's 8m tall and has pink flashing horns pops into existence we'll need a new theory.
Being a theory doesn't mean something is wrong, just that is a likely explanation of current evidence.
What gets me is the God vs. Evolution debate; I can't see how the 2 are mutually exclusive.
What gets me is the God vs. Evolution debate; I can't see how the 2 are mutually exclusive.
Now we start with the smoke and mirrors.Ok let's get this straight. I don't believe in evolution. I am not religeous. I had very bad dislexia when I was younger. that's why my grammer is terrible.
Would you critisise an amputee for not having no legs.
All I was trying to do with my posts was throw another couple of points of view into the debate, at no time did I say I believed any of it. Why all the jumping to conclusions.
And as for so called safe peer reviewed drugs what a load ofAll the drugs below where peer reviewed.
And as for so called safe peer reviewed drugs what a load ofAll the drugs below where peer reviewed.
So Tadpole, you believe your great, great , great, ect, ect, Grandfather was an ape and his great, great, great, ect, ect, Grandfather was a blob of somthing that came out of the sea, because that's basically the theory of evolution right. Stop and think for a moment, do you know how ridiculous that sounds. It's a theory and that is all it is nothing more nothing less.