The Useless Tengu

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Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Finally I get time for some days out.

I take all my kit.

Food? Mostly bread and takeouts. (Which I probably would have got anyhow)


I got in the boot of my car. Sole effort to blow up the mattress and get out the quilt.

(It would be nice to have a car I can open the boot from the INSIDE...)

So, not exactly much camping.
Many years ago when I was younger, stupider and did a lot of target archery, I went to a shoot/event where we were all camping along the back of the field (and eating out of the catering van). I was late out of work and then got held up in bad traffic on the way, by the time I got there is was late and it felt like rain was heading in. So I thought "sod this," put the back seats down in my car, rolled my bed out and slept in the car. (It was an estate car and so I could stretch out fully).

It turned out to be a good move as it was very wet and windy overnight; my "metal tent" did just fine- unlike quite a few of the other tents on the field (plus I wasn't packing up a wet tent before the shoot started). Comparable amount of room to the inside of my little North Face tadpole tent (does that date me???).

Tengu is not useless. Tengu is wise. Camping is what you want it to be.

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Not that many years ago I drove down to the New Forest (from Mid Wales) to pick up some wheels for a LR 90 I'd just bought. I went down in my 110 with my camping gear expecting to be able to camp out in the NF camp site - but it was shut. I just drove, with my lights off, deep into the forest and kipped in the back of the Landy.

Only problem was, my 12w old Springer pup decided she wanted to be cosied up with me :)
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Finally I get time for some days out.

I take all my kit.

Food? Mostly bread and takeouts. (Which I probably would have got anyhow)


I got in the boot of my car. Sole effort to blow up the mattress and get out the quilt.

(It would be nice to have a car I can open the boot from the INSIDE...)

So, not exactly much camping.

You are out and about sleeping somewhere I imagine that is new to you.

I don't think it matters if its under the leaves and mulch of a debris kennel , the canvas of a tent or the inside of a vehicle - its still an adventure of sorts.
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Try two of you sleeping in an mgb gt. Stranded in a maidenhead car park.
That was an experience and a half.!
Spent many a night in my reliant van scrunched up on a roll mat with my lassie dog, on dartmoor.
All good fun, and if I had a car today, I'd be out camping in it right now.
Good on you for getting out and about. Might think about a full awning that you could put over the car, keep the boot open, and use it to get in and out of the vehicle. Best of both worlds then.
Oh it was.

End of season, so I went to Skye, a place I have always been warned was very busy. It seems camper vans go there to mate. (Can be no other reason so many were on the Skye road).


Skye looks a bit like this.

Its the place they send tourists. A guy I met there told me the island receives no less than ONE MILLION visitors per year.

They do not encourage wild camping and I asked him about this, but really that means they dont mind those who are respectful.

There is lots of scenery but Scotland is all over scenery.

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Wonderful - literally wonderful!

A friend of mine, on her first trip north of the border said “There is just too much geography!”
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Would you consider editing the title of this thread?
It’s making far too judgmental an assessment.
(Just saying)
But arent I allowed to be judgemental?

And I dont get out a quarter of the time some of you do.

That was my SECOND trip of the year.

(OK, I do work in the Iron Age these days....)


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