TheViking said:
Wondering: what is the most disgusting you have ever been eating, when in the woods, practicing bushcraft??
I mean... you do eat natural plants you find don't you?
I think that there is no food, apart from garlick, that I really loathe. Ramsons, then would be my bushy bugbear.
Maybe the only times I've spat out something that I've harvested and munched would be crabapples or unripe fruit.
I once spat out a mouthful of supemarket-bought apple. I took a bit, another bite, a third bit.
Thought "this has a funny flavour", sort of like the dry musty smell of dry rot in wood.
I looked inside, and scurrying around in the core were a dozen woodlice. And a half woodlouse.
Woodlice were apparently given as a quack rememdy for something or other... I don't know what.