The Merits of Scones, Cream and Jam

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We have no pirates neither.

(So my Tutor told me).

(A quick look at Cornish History reveals a lot of Shipping Crime...)
I started to write out the recipe for scones, and then thought that surely there ought to be a decent one online ....
Have a link :D

No, those are Welsh Scones :)
Actually I prefer mine with dried fruit in.

This year, the missus cooked courgette and fetta cheese scones - delicious; don't turn your nose up until you've tried them. :)
Pretty sure those are the same scones I've been making since before I went to school :)

I make cheese ones that don't last. All gone before they're cold :)

Son2 likes raisins in his scones, but they make it hard to cut them out neatly, so I usually just make those ones into a round and cut it into farls. I get two rounds on one baking tray so eight farls.

I admit I loathe the tasteless huge lumps of dough purporting to be scones that one finds in too many cafes....the hexagonal shaped things I mean. They look good, but they taste awful.
No wonder they need slathered in jam and cream.
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Sliced bread with marmalade covered with sliced cheese was *the* jackpot snack at events when I was a kid. :)
I've never had that. But I will now. I'll try almost anything once. Right, off to the kitchen I go......
Ah, but did the marmalade go on the cheese or vice-versa?
Well...... I suppose my opinion on the jam vs cream vs marmalade vs cheese conflict is this........

The second it goes in my mouth, it all gets mashed up and tastes the same either way so personally, it doesn't bother me .

My only unit of measure or deciding factor in this argument is that there must be heaps of it. No point scrimping.
I miss my Nan’s (rip) fruited scones
Fresh out the oven with a dob of butter or a day later still fluffy with jam and cream.

A decent scone these days always brings back fond childhood memories.
Cheese scones and marmite. Try it, if you like marmite it's loverly. Cheese scones don't last in my house either. They are gone before they are cold! Just butter unless I'm feeling naughty, in which case I get the marmite jar out, but usualy they are so good, I can't be bothered.
Havnt had a scone of any sort for many years due to now being g/f. I've tried g/f ones, but I'm no happier with them than the awful pap they call g/f bread.
My Cheese scones have won prizes at local shows. They need to be big, and made with lots of realy strong cheese.
I've made Stilton and red onion chutney scones. They are a revelation!
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Cheese scones and marmite. Try it, if you like marmite it's loverly. Cheese scones don't last in my house either. They are gone before they are cold! Just butter unless I'm feeling naughty, in which case I get the marmite jar out, but usualy they are so good, I can't be bothered.
Havnt had a scone of any sort for many years due to now being g/f. I've tried g/f ones, but I'm no happier with them than the awful pap they call g/f bread.
My Cheese scones have won prizes at local shows. They need to be big, and made with lots of realy strong cheese.
I've made Stilton and red onion chutney scones. They are a revelation!
Recipe please! This thread has got me wandering if I should have a crack at making some myself.


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