The Covid19 Thread

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In Sweden somebody got a fairly good idea: lets use military gas masks they are designed for NBC warfare, the local NHS tuttutted strongly and said NO, you cannot use those as they are not CE marked. They are taking dumbness to a high level.l.
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Man alive

Made the mistake of watching a couple of wranglerstar vids the other day so now getting suggestions

Today. "Coronastream, quarantine day one live stream"

What the he'll is he streaming about? It's day one....just the same as yesterday.
That's just profiting from the suffering of others now imo
In Sweden somebody got a fairly good idea: lets use military gas masks they are designed for NBC warfare, the local NHS tuttutted strongly and said NO, you cannot use those as they are not CE marked. They are taking dumbness to a high level.l.

Not really. CE marks aside, the gas mask has strong connotations with nuclear, biological, and germ warfare. It isn’t a practical solution for everyday stuff like walking the dog. It will not enable you to go to pubs, clubs, football, gatherings, but it will induce undue panic and concern in those already socially distancing and taking sensible measures to slow the virus.
It is better than nothing and if it is all you have got?

It also might actually be better than the flimsy paper masks.

Also the quoted reason was the missing marking.
Man alive

Made the mistake of watching a couple of wranglerstar vids the other day so now getting suggestions

Today. "Coronastream, quarantine day one live stream"

What the he'll is he streaming about? It's day one....just the same as yesterday.
That's just profiting from the suffering of others now imo

Aye, made the mistake of watching a couple of his vids a while ago then got autosuggested them for ages afterwards.
Jeez he's a right bloody drama queen, can't watch his stuff anymore and the titles are often very clickbaity with the title having very little to do with the content.
Rescue services are allowed to use them now.
In Sweden somebody got a fairly good idea: lets use military gas masks they are designed for NBC warfare, the local NHS tuttutted strongly and said NO, you cannot use those as they are not CE marked. They are taking dumbness to a high level.l.
Rescue services are allowed to use them now.

Fine with me. Care to back up your ‘fact’ with which rescue services, a link to the information? No offence, but there’s a lot of hearsay, fake news etc out there, people just chucking stuff out there.

I like this idea, because people will tend to re-use a medical mask, but don’t mind chucking away a square of kitchen roll. All that’s asked of it is to reduce virus carrying water particles from leaving and entering your nose and mouth.

Aye, made the mistake of watching a couple of his vids a while ago then got autosuggested them for ages afterwards.
Jeez he's a right bloody drama queen, can't watch his stuff anymore and the titles are often very clickbaity with the title having very little to do with the content.
Try watching the Canadian Prepper on the Tube. Makes Wranglerstar sound sane.
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Fine with me. Care to back up your ‘fact’ with which rescue services, a link to the information? No offence, but there’s a lot of hearsay, fake news etc out there, people just chucking stuff out there.
Well is Sveriges Television a good enough source for you? According to SVT, Arbetsmiljöverket wouldn't grant a general exception, like MSB requested, but they have and will grant exceptions to each regional rescue service that applies for it.

Skyddsmask 90 in use again

For those of you that don't know:
Arbetsmiljöverket= Swedish Work Environment Authority

MSB = Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap = Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
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Well is Sveriges Television a good enough source for you?

You know you’re in trouble when a female starts the sentence with “Well...” :D

As I said, no offence meant. I just think there are a lot of people quoting things that quickly become dubious ‘fact’. What you meant is that a Swedish fire service can use them. The implication was that rescue services can use them (plural, and undefined by country or service).

I’m sure a lot of asks will be fairly instantly granted under the circumstances. America’s Transportation Security Administration have lifted the liquid limits on flights for hand sanitiser from 3.4oz to 12oz.

Not that anyone will be flying much, but they could lift the liquid rule here too now ISIS terrorists have been told not to bother us for a bit.

If I’d just said the liquid carry limit on planes had been lifted, it would be misleading. If that story was told in the same sentence as terrorists avoiding Covid-19...;)
You know you’re in trouble when a female starts the sentence with “Well...” :D

As I said, no offence meant. I just think there are a lot of people quoting things that quickly become dubious ‘fact’. What you meant is that a Swedish fire service can use them. The implication was that rescue services can use them (plural, and undefined by country or service)........
I gotta ask why would a fire service want to use military masks anyway. Most fire services already have positive flow SCBA anyway.
I was once given a tour round...NOT a fire station, but the saftey depot of the local council.

(And was then given a trip out in their fire engine and got to let off the siren and scare everybody)

They had the equipment, but I very much doubt they had breathing kit for all their Fire trained staff.

I dont know what it would be like in a `proper` station but it might be the same.
You know you’re in trouble when a female starts the sentence with “Well...” :D

As I said, no offence meant. I just think there are a lot of people quoting things that quickly become dubious ‘fact’. What you meant is that a Swedish fire service can use them. The implication was that rescue services can use them (plural, and undefined by country or service).

I’m sure a lot of asks will be fairly instantly granted under the circumstances. America’s Transportation Security Administration have lifted the liquid limits on flights for hand sanitiser from 3.4oz to 12oz.

Not that anyone will be flying much, but they could lift the liquid rule here too now ISIS terrorists have been told not to bother us for a bit.

If I’d just said the liquid carry limit on planes had been lifted, it would be misleading. If that story was told in the same sentence as terrorists avoiding Covid-19...;)
Actually, what I meant was that rescue services in Sweden would be allowed to use them, as long as they asked for permission. TLM was talking about Sweden so I assumed that the country in question was clear. I also assume that the current NATO ones (or whatever) that are used elsewhere in Europe and the UK have the CE-label, so not an issue.

MSB wanted that police, ambulance and fire services should be allowed to use them, which makes sense - give the ones who are working outside sturdy, but well-fitting and high-spec protective equipment and save the normal stuff for the hospital staff. Whereas the Work Environment Authority said that there is a working protocol for getting permission, so each administrative unit need to apply. Since they got approval almost over night, I think that qualifies as "are allowed to use them".

The fire services interviewed said that they did have their normal ones, but not enough and since they have the old ones in stock as back up, they wanted to use them.

Apparently there is a civilian version of the Swedish one, that can be picked up for those so inclined. :)
As far as I know one can get the military (or a near version) face mask part here easily, the military filters are the difficult ones. Filters for various other purposes can bought readily.

But OK if they came to their senses as it fits the threat, stopping virus aerosols both ways.
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Just come back from town. Glad to see people are being sensible; shelves empty except for chocolate and buiscits! I did notice that the McVities Digestive shelf was empty though :)

Luckily there was plenty of Fevertree Tonic - all I needed really :)
I see parliament are not avoiding large groups and working from home, one rule for us one for everyone else. Mind you as somone said, when the rich and powerful are worried, thens the time for worry. When there is a stream of mps exiting london, youll know the jigs up. I hope they are isolating the majority of the house of lords too !


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