The Covid19 Thread

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
There is an emergent pattern which is called "community transmission." The best theory claims that
there must be a pool of carriers who act as though they are symptom free.
From them, others are unknowingly infected, many with much more profound symptoms.
Spiking case numbers are one characteristic now seen in several Canadian cities.
i am sorry but that wont work, no way does kitchen towel have a small filtering medium.

Distance is good, as large droplets fall to the ground after a few feet, but aerosoled aprticles (very very small around 5microns) can travel much further.

use kitchen towel to sneeze into but dont make a mask out of it.

No, it’s not a filter, it’s a mask. It will catch and hold a few droplets of tiny water particles if the wearer coughed or prevent water droplets settling on the skin in that area. Talk about the perfect solution for as long as you want, but logic suggests any reduction of the little passengers is for the good. Every little reduction in their travel plans has to be for the best.
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Have you ever seen a workman removing asbestos with a paper mask on, as in a disposable tie on mask ? They are to protect others from yourself not you from other people. They may protect from quickly sinking particulates, but for anything that floats, they are useless. If they worked im sure they would issue them to soldiers for emergency cbn filtration.
Shouldn't you wash your hands before having a cup of tea?
Well i tried that, ending up washing my hands with a tea bag, and drinking a cup of fairy liquid, i have been blowing bubbles for the last 2 hours.
Just read a report from a Doctor, who has said, worrying will lower your immune system,and increase the chance of getting it, i wish i had read that before making the tea, might have had a bit more success.
I just realised my Mcvities Digestive biscuits are seriously low.

I've taken it in hand though and told the wife to collect some on her way home tonight :D

Wild turkey levels in sunndog household are now optimal. Good job I didn't want much else there isn't a loaf of bread or bag of flour to be had in buxton
All voluntary groups in my area have been suspended. Doctors surgeries closed (telephone appointment only) schools apparently will be closed soon. The behaviour of over 7O 's (mainly) in shops is appalling. I'm taking it in my stride, and keeping a low profile. My nearest shop got two pallets of bog roll this morning, and it was like throwing a carcass to hyenas, gone in less than five minutes. For the time being the world has changed, and some people are finding it difficult to grasp the new reality. I have three friends who, because of health problems, have been told they have to isolate themselves semi permanent, so it's boxes of food left at the door, and telephone contact only. All in all, pretty bleak.
I made a trip to the commissary today to stock a few things. I was surprised at what was already gone. I was u able to find:
-garbage bags (bin liners)
-spaghetti (or any pasta) although I did get a spaghetti squash
-fresh chicken (instead I bought a frozen turkey should be thawed by this weekend)
-no pork other than very large roasts
-no canned meats other than the giant sized tins of sardines (big enough for 3 people) and a very few cans of spam
-no laundry detergent
-no dog food apart from the super expensive premium brands

Of course that’s on top of the obvious things that tan out days ago.
I can order stuff like cat food and toilet paper through the hardware store.
Minimum quantity orders, more than I want but that's OK.
On next week's truck with my name on it all.

One person at a time in the village office to pay utilities and taxes.
I want fish & chips, may turn out to be take-away all of a sudden.
I'm well off for both food and drink and more wher ethose came from.

I pay a subsidized wage for both my house keeper and gardener. They are both out of work now.

I've been advised to isolate myself. Not possible and I am not sick.

I want a vaccination against "ignoranus." People who are both stupid and a$$holes.
the sheer amount of people showing "symptoms" around here is unreal.
The human brain is fascinating how it can transform paranoia into physical ailments.
Feel bad for the genuine cases mind
We have a new problem here in rural Wales: the static caravaners and second home owners (most elderly from the Midlands and NW England) have decided self isolation is easier in their holiday home; this could more than double some populations if it continues. Consequently, our already very limited household supplies and our non-existent medical services are being overstretched even further :(
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Just visited the village, store owner said that the only item they have run out of was potatoes for two days. Toilet paper a bit low but on the shelves.

Even if your face mask does not totally filtrate the aerosols out it does slow their speed considerably, which means that on the spot the spreading is a lot less. With time air currents will take it further but that gives time for the larger droplets to settle.
We have a new problem here in rural Wales: the static caravaners and second home owners (most elderly from the Midlands and NW England) have decided self isolation is easier in their holiday home; this could more than double some populations if it continues. Consequently, our already very limited household supplies and our non-existent medical services are being overstretched even further :(

We had a similar problem when Madrid (central Spain) was "locked down", lots of the inhabitants who had holiday homes set off to them, mainly all along the costas (coast) bringing infection with them.......very thoughtful! They were supposed to stay put, that's what " lockdown" is supposed to be.......

On a brighter note I had to visit the local supermarket this morning, a week ago it was stripped of stock but this morning has about 90% of its products, again I'm sure the same will happen in the UK as all countries are going through similar one after another.
There were staff on the doors to limit the amount of people in there at any one time but it was only a very short wait.
Lots of people wearing paper masks, I didn't have one on even thought I have them, I have a newish 3M respirator (for spraying) with spare N95 filters, I'm waiting to see if the medical staff start struggling for masks locally then I'll probably donate it.
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Was going camping in N Wales this Easter, but not now. I guess if any stranger turns up at the local general stores for supplies they will be met with as if they were going to the local shop in Royston Vasey
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All voluntary groups in my area have been suspended. Doctors surgeries closed (telephone appointment only) schools apparently will be closed soon. The behaviour of over 7O 's (mainly) in shops is appalling. I'm taking it in my stride, and keeping a low profile. For the time being the world has changed, and some people are finding it difficult to grasp the new reality. I have three friends who, because of health problems, have been told they have to isolate themselves semi permanent, so it's boxes of food left at the door, and telephone contact only. All in all, pretty bleak.

It is bleak just now while all of us are scared and concerned. The mental adjustments, grasping the reality while guessing at the potential isn’t something any of us are finding easy. I know I’m not, it’s an unknown to us, a little bit more sinks in daily and we should be cautionary as long as it isn’t affecting others negatively.

Have you ever seen a workman removing asbestos with a paper mask on, as in a disposable tie on mask ? They are to protect others from yourself not you from other people. They may protect from quickly sinking particulates, but for anything that floats, they are useless. If they worked im sure they would issue them to soldiers for emergency cbn filtration.

It’s not asbestos particles. It’s nothing to do with filtration. Reducing aerosol landing areas around the mouth or nose is a sensible thing to do, just as not touching the face, mouth, nose inadvertently (we’re all still doing it :whistling: ). If you had a tissue mask on and someone spray painted you, which bit wouldn‘t get hit as much by the aerosol? The openings to them juicy mucous membranes, or...the hotel lobby. ;)

Fact is, we don’t really know. But we do know that every little bit of protection adds up. I won’t be wearing one, but then I’m not going out amongst other people.
Shropshire hills, off road. Sainsbury's delivered, hurrah! No hand sanitizer, paracetamol or Baby Bio!! One hour late, driver got lost, needed 3 phone calls. Quite entertaining as I cold see him going back and forwards on the hill.
Postman arrived and put the parcels on the ground about ten foot away from me. No need to sign anything. :rolleyes:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.