RPG - the type of game not weapon

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GrailQuest - The name escaped me until it then subconsciously popped back in when my mind was distracted.

I liked the writing style and game mechanics of that and Tunnels & Trolls which seemed to offer more individual choice - like a midway step to RPG as one could choose which weapons , armour and spells to purchase and use.
My elder son, now 53, was addicted to D&D in his early teens. He went on to get an MA in Medieval Studies and eventually became director of strategy for one of the largest international charities.

I do wonder if there maybe a correlation ( albeit tenuous ) between those young people that played or more likely DM'd RPG games back in the day have experienced success in the business world?

As DMing itself requires quite a few developed skills , appliance of rules , people skills , mathematics , imagination and good admin.

Just a thought.
I do wonder if there maybe a correlation ( albeit tenuous ) between those young people that played or more likely DM'd RPG games back in the day have experienced success in the business world?

As DMing itself requires quite a few developed skills , appliance of rules , people skills , mathematics , imagination and good admin.

Just a thought.
My son would agree with this. His work sometimes involved joint planning with senior military personnel from different major powers. He was much respected for his grasp of military strategy despite never having been in the armed forces. One of his most successful strategic plans was based on his knowledge of a campaign fought in the early days of the Roman Empire. He didn't tell the generals this!

Driving him to a D&D club in Cambridge every Saturday afternoon was a real drag at the time, but I'm glad I did.
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We set up our own d&d group. A few friends of friends. Started with me and my mate then a kid at cubs got interested. Then we ended up meeting on Saturday mornings at our cub leaders house. Her son was one of the interested kids from cubs.

It worked well and morphed into warhammer group because we all bought figures representing our characters. We then used the warhammer rules and starters to buy more figures. I had an orc howitzer crew i think. All spikes and high damage.

The essentials pack came late Monday so we spent an hour creating our son's character. A wood elf bard entertainer with high charisma, wisdom and intelligence. Slightly lower on the others at +1 or +0 with constitution at -1 level. We are yet to play and it's so complex when starting out or restarting out that I think we're going to skip a few things at first. Introduce them as we go. Also as I read up on them. It'll be a very simple game at first. Not sure about whether to bother with saving throws at first or what can be skipped without affecting the gameplay at first.
ospreypublishing have loads of options

I disapeared down the zona alfa rabbit hole over the lockdown/winter
ospreypublishing have loads of options

I disapeared down the zona alfa rabbit hole over the lockdown/winter

What did you think of ZA?
I was a bit disappointed. Apart from using Russian names it was all a bit...vanilla.
I loved the idea but it just failed for me.
It was supposed to be all about scavenging for lost tech and equipment. But what you find has no description just a money value. Same with the zone anomalies. Sounded all exciting - areas of warped space where anything could happen. But all you do is just make a roll to see if it explodes.
I was underwhelmed.
I thought Black Ops provided a better game with the mechanics streamlined to reflect the point of the game. Some ZA failed miserably at.
Had a few games of Stargrave - that's a good one.
Pip.Was that the one where you if you had to turn to page 14 you'd basically snuffed it
Maybe worth also looking at some of the choose your own adventure type gamebooks as this gives a limited set of options and obviously the book is then the 'DM'

Ones I can remember.

Fighting Fantasy

Tunnels & Trolls.

Lone Wolf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_Wolf_(gamebooks)

Another title which escapes me but the main character was "Pip" and the writing style was enjoyable and interesting.
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I do remember one of those Grailquest books teaching me how to make an origami paper boat that had 2 sails that pulled out which I can still make to this day (I think) and that was 35/40 years ago.
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