That Chap Evading the Authorities in Northumberland

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Various constabularies have been replacing their 9mm carbines with 5.56 rifles over the past few years for a variety of reasons. However without going into detailed conjecturous discussions suffice to say that distance-shooting is not the strong-point of most police armed-response officers.
In years gone by, about 12, by my reckoning, when I was still involved with rifle shooting..... I had the kit, the training ,and the knowledge for just this kinda job. I would have offered my services for free, even considered it a civic duty to help out.

I'm not going to go into details, but at the time, and probably even now, there are many more riflemen outside the police force who are capable of hitting a 'target' at 600+m...... Some even at 1 mile +

While I support the police, I recognise that they may be limited by kit or training.

Ability to hit a given 'target' is but one part of the equation. Deer shooting in England is a 4" kill-zone at 200 or fewer yards with a scoped rifle. A lot of people can do that, doesn't make them a deer-stalker does it?
There is also one heck of a difference between hitting a target and hitting a human, there may be many hundreds of shooters who can hit a paper target or a deer at whatever range, but when they have a human in there cross hairs it is a completely different ball game.

Even those with military training find it difficult to engage a human target and live with the consequences of that engaement.

Interesting thread. We'll find out soon enough and the newpapers will be lapping it up interviewing his school teachers and anyone else who knew him for weeks to come.

I'm laying a bet the bloke's not even in the search area but skedaddled out long ago. Not that it changes the necessity of doing a manhunt in his last known wherabouts.

To be honest I've only given this passing notice when it's been on the radio here, as per usual the media is running with it and feeding the public fear which will follow the kneejerk reaction from the law makers.

As for him being a Bushcrafter? Hmm maybe, but whatever he'll be branded as some extreme survivalist by the media which will give anyone who does do bushcraft as a hobby with that "wannabe Rambo" stigma. You can see the headlines now "Rambo like cop killer finally captured!" Brave pollice finaly captured crazed bushcrafter after massive manhunt, only their skills in ploice training etc etc."

Not a good situation for anyone, epsecially the army and police if every movement and decision is going to be scrutinised after the fact by some pencil neck safe behind his desk. I certainly wouldn't want to be some beat cop thrashing bushes with a broom handle trying to flush out some armed nutjob who knows martial arts.
I'd give the police a bit more credit in this in the form of shooting, some of them are ex works and know what they're doing, heck my old man when he joined the force was asked if he would consider joining the armed response units (he was a marksman in his old unit) he flatly refused tho on the grounds he really didn't want to be shooting anyone dead.

They are trained properly and as is stated they have a mix of the semi auto Mp5 and G36k with both of those very excellent german weapons you can without much training hit a target down range without problems. when trained with em, well two in the teeth is the aim. (pardon the pun)

i do struggle to understand why people would go off on a spree like this, all that anger is just unreal. with luck this will be over soon!
Well, there's one armed copper who'll be going back to ordinary duties - the one who left a magazine of live rounds in a house he was involved in searching. Very poor drills.
He'll turn up eventually. Either as a result of making a mistake or losing his cool. That said he's probably long gone by now but he is quite distinctive- a massive blonde 'roider!
If he is spotted (after all the false sightings) I reckon he'll go down like a pussycat. He seems like bully and a whole load of Forces personnel surrounding him may do the trick. Or he will turn the gun on himself but seems a bit of a coward.
Personally, i don't wish him to be subject to fire. IDEA ALERT: Con island? - a deliberate abandoning of the person on an inescapable island (full of bears and dinosaurs) and leave him there to be mind - messed. In all seriousness, for three murders, he deserves whatever he gets - whether that be a bullet or life sentences. Personally I think the latter would be a waste of the taxpayers' money (if you know what I mean)
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Hi Korvin.

I note you did not answer my question....But I have another for you now. Where in my post do you gather I assume he is still in the woods?

To be honest, I am more than a little worried reading the absolute crap some posters are writing in here.

Thank goodness some of you are not involved in the search. I will take any of that back if of course you have already killed another human, or have put a 9mm into someone,s kneecaps! But if you haven,t you are coming across as a total walt IMHO.
I do also realise that their are 'hunters' in here, who oddly enough to my way of thinking are happy to shoot a defenceless animal that cannot fight back, but think it is very tough to shoot another person, who may be armed....I wonder why.

To me, it is very plain indeed to see who has already killed someone on here, or has done something like this before!

So, let me see...We are calling for police death squads are we?
We want the army to shoot him, even though the police still have primacy, so it would be murder (I take it you don't realise it is illegal for regular soldiers to carry fire arms on the streets of England without a cabinet level order (which would be publicly available)
Some of you actually think the average police shooter could hit a barn barn while in the barn lol
You think the SAS are there doing the work........Maybe you forgot they are rather busy at the moment fighting a full scale war!

Sorry to have a rant, but I really hope that many posters are really naive 14 year old boys, and not adult bush crafters.

Edited to add:
Wingstoo said: Even those with military training find it difficult to engage a human target and live with the consequences of that engaement.

That is very true for almost everyone, and in my own case took well over a decade to come to terms with, which is why I am surprised just how many 'would be' killers there are on here sat typing at PC's!!!
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