Tent pegs in carry on board luggage.


Full Member
Sep 6, 2011
Hi guys, I carry a small tarp in my edc bag including few ti pegs for a good measure. What are your thoughts on airport security? Most of the time when I fly to europe its only for few days so the carry on bag is more than I need.
I know to leave all liquids and sharpies behind (last month I was allowed small pair of scissors in my 1st aid kit after inspection), what about thin wire like titanium pegs? I would hate to gut out my outdoor/sutrvival/emergency kit each time I have to fly just to dig them out...

At the same time we can talk about all gear/items you had to drop/have been allowed through the security.


Jan 6, 2014
UK J5 M25
BA allow "Small scissors and knives (blades measuring up to 6cm (2.4in)" and "Knitting needles and crochet hooks" in hand baggage.

They do not allow "Other sharp and bladed objects such as razor blades, Stanley knives/box cutters and DIY tools" or "Blunt instruments such as bats, bars and DIY tools".

So I'm really none the wiser about the answer to your question. How long are your pegs? If you don't want to loose them I wouldn't chance it as it will probably depend upon who does the inspection, your explanation and what sort of mood they're in.
Nov 29, 2004
No. they will confiscate the pegs and have a 'chat' with you. Lots of camping shops all over Europe, buy some at your destination. :)


Full Member
Aug 24, 2012
I have a canvas "man bag" which I use for day walks. I keep four pegs and an opinel, some cord, a small first aid kit plasters, tweezers etc. I keep them in the back zipped pocket which means they sit in the bottom of the bag under the lining. Anyway I completely forgot they were there as I hadn't been out for a while. On our last trip abroad I grabbed the bag more as an afterthought needless to say I got a right grilling at the airport security scan particularly because of the concealed nature of"my weapons". Even without the knife, tweezers, and strangulation cord, the pegs were a no no.

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tiger stacker

Dec 30, 2009
Airport security is there for a reason. Watching the staff at Edinburgh and Heathrow, I did sympathise at their role. If it can go in the hold luggage then that wait at the carousel is worth it. My college tutor flew to US post 9/11, majority of her canoeing kit was confiscated outgoing and returning. I took a kukri to Atlanta in my hold luggage. The fact it was inside webbing and Bergen helped a bit.


Full Member
Sep 6, 2011
That's exactly what I have, a "manbag" (hazard 4 evac bag) for various items. One side pocket is designated as my little outdoor/survival kit with 1st aid, tarp, survival bag, signalling and fire. Just last month it saved the day when I used the siltarp over the tables when rain was trying to spoil our barbecue.
In a perfect world I would leave that one pocket untouched wherever I go. Also buying pegs in other countries 2-3 times a year is not an option. Plastic ones are heavy and bulky and would probably be even more problematic due to shape/size.
It's only 6 titanium wires bend in to shape... Not even that sharp...


Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
I don't bother flying... if I wanted to be treated like a criminal, I'd rob a bank.

Specifically re the pegs, you could carve some wooden ones on-site (inconvenient, yes, but avoids the hell that is the drones who work in airport security)
In the past I've simply shipped my kit to my destination before I set off... especially when it comes to things like knives etc that the uninformed (foolishly) consider to be "weapons" (like a pen isn't a weapon if someone stabs you in the eye with it!).

Still, that's the world we live in these days: guilty until... well... just always guilty!


Full Member
Sep 6, 2011
I know I know... But you can't beat 4 hours flight to poland vs 24 hours drive to see your family. Or when your company is deciding on the transportation.
Carving is no problem for me unless you are in the hills/fields and/or without a knife you couldn't take because...

I have read a lot of weird rules/stories about transporting equipement around the world. I encourage you more experienced folks to share :)
Nov 29, 2004
"...Also buying pegs in other countries 2-3 times a year is not an option..."

Really, they may not be titanium ones but you can pick up tent pegs at Tesco for about a fiver, and there are Tescos over much of Europe these days.

In my experience it is best to check your luggage, anything really important you can keep in your carry on, which could be a shopping bag if you are worried about the weight at the other end. :)


Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
I encourage you more experienced folks to share :)

Number one tip I can offer you: Don't bother flying directly into or out of the United States (should you ever be unfortunate enough to have to go there). Instead, fly into Canada and drive into the US (then drive back into Canada to fly home). Why? Because the Canadians will treat you like a human, where the Americans will treat you like Osama Bin Laden.


Jan 4, 2014
United Kingdom
You cant even take fishing flies in a small box as carry on luggage. 'They have points so they must go in hold luggage'. I mean seriously??? How far would you get trying to hijak a plane with a size 12 watson's fancy in your fingertips... After the crew and other passengers stopped laughing and giggling I am sure it would be an epic fail... I am all for airport security but come on. A handfull of small fishing flies ???...... Rant over :)


Apr 12, 2013
North Yorkshire
I struggle to understand why people insist on having hand luggage?

If you don't need periodic urgent medication or baby food then exactly what do folk carry that can't go in the hold?

I fly long haul several times per year, often via USA/middle east/asia, often on one-way tickets (suspicious), often with various blades and military gear (questionable) and never have a problem with security.

I've been swabbed and electronically 'sniffed' at times I know my kit has traces of weapon oil and/or explosives, still had no problems.

The biggest problem I find is sourcing cheap scran and fluids on the airside when you're forced to ditch any water and get served kiddy-sized meals on the plane :)


Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
You cant even take fishing flies in a small box as carry on luggage. 'They have points so they must go in hold luggage'. I mean seriously??? How far would you get trying to hijak a plane with a size 12 watson's fancy in your fingertips... After the crew and other passengers stopped laughing and giggling I am sure it would be an epic fail... I am all for airport security but come on. A handfull of small fishing flies ???...... Rant over :)

Yet you can walk on to a plane with a bag filled with those "Tactical Pens" (an actual weapon crudely masquerading as a pen) and they wouldn't bat an eyelid
Not to mention you can carry lighters and matches... with the flammability of a commercial airliner's interior (the chair coverings are flame retardant but the foam inside which on many planes is showing from the decades of neglect are highly flammable).

Hell, there was a guy just a couple of years ago who boarded a half dozen commercial flights with a 4" folding knife on his keyring... and nobody even bothered to check his keys for "weapons" (not to mention how easy it would be to put a knife edge on a Yale key without it being overtly obvious to a security officer glancing at them).

It's nothing to do with security... just the illusion of it!


Full Member
Sep 6, 2011
Because hand luggage is free on most airlines. Not to mention the speed of check in and out when you don't have to faff about with bags and cases.
On boar bag is more than you need for a week in europe (non outdoor).
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M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
That's exactly what I have, a "manbag" (hazard 4 evac bag) for various items. One side pocket is designated as my little outdoor/survival kit with 1st aid, tarp, survival bag, signalling and fire. Just last month it saved the day when I used the siltarp over the tables when rain was trying to spoil our barbecue.
In a perfect world I would leave that one pocket untouched wherever I go. Also buying pegs in other countries 2-3 times a year is not an option. Plastic ones are heavy and bulky and would probably be even more problematic due to shape/size.
It's only 6 titanium wires bend in to shape... Not even that sharp...

The kukuri (and most knives0 are perfectly acceptable; in your checked bags! Within the US, guns are allowed in your checked bags (a hardside, lockable bag) and properly declared I just flew with both to and from St Louis a few months ago. Flying internationally might confuse the question of whether the destination country will allow you to have whatever sharps you take; but that's not the same as whether it's legal (or allowed by the individual airline) to fly with them.
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Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
Because hand luggage is free on most airlines. Not to mention the speed of check in and out when you don't have to faff about with bags and cases.
On boar bag is more than you need for a week in europe (non outdoor).

If you want to take down a plane just google thermite. Its legal and ingredients costed me last week 20 pounds per kilo. No sniff will detect it as its simply rust and aluminium and it will easily cut your plane in half :)

Seriously... you should cancel any flight plans you have right now. You can be pretty damned sure you just made it on to a certain "list".

That said, Thermite (made and used responsibly... don't try this at home, kids) is bloody good fun! Just for the love of gawd don't confuse it with Marmite and put it on your toast.... even though I'm pretty sure it'd taste better than Marmite ;)


Full Member
Sep 18, 2013
Isle of Arran
I always carry hand luggage on a flight. It generally contains a toothbrush, deodorant, a book, glasses, phone charger, sweets, a couple of changes of boxers, socks and t shirts, a fleece and a rolled up pair of craghoppers. I'm not getting caught out again with lost luggage. Its not fun trying to buy new clothes to keep you going on the first day of your hols because you are in Hungary and your bag is in Houston!!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.