Suffolk Bushcraft Group

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
A good day had in the woods toady doing some field archery with Chris and Steve, we were joined with Miguel from the Club, who is a Bushcrafter as well:).. we may see him on here soon :), it was a day of chatter, laughs, mickey taking and some great archery :).

Think Meguel had one lost arrow, I had about three piles come off, and shattered on arrow in to four bits..... and Chriss Chinese Arrows looks like they performed well

Thanks for your company Guys.

Heres some pics

Miguel won the nearest the stick...
2013-12-15 11.38.01.jpg
2013-12-15 11.53.07.jpg

2013-12-15 13.45.30.jpg2013-12-15 14.00.00.jpg2013-12-15 14.06.38.jpg2013-12-15 14.07.33.jpg2013-12-15 14.08.04.jpg2013-12-15 14.14.25.jpg2013-12-15 14.32.41.jpg2013-12-15 14.35.39.jpg

A bit of kill the tree action..

2013-12-15 14.11.35.jpg2013-12-15 13.47.02.jpg
Bet you could not do this again Chris....
2013-12-15 14.46.49.jpg
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Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
Sounds like you guys have had fun!

I've spent today experimenting with fire lighters (synthetic and natural, all kinds of imaginative combinations of items both household and common natural elements in the UK)

Now I just have to shoot the video comparing them all (how long they burn for, how hot, resistance to damp/wetness etc)


Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
It was a great day playing in the woods.

I shall have to join you lot at some point (though my old bow is utterly useless now. It's actually bowed (in an odd direction, I mean)

I got my fun day playing in the woods yesterday :)

Tonight I'm setting up for the video and baking a new batch of Hudson Bay Bread to last the winter (hell, it'll last at least 6 months)


Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
you'll have to bring your bow to the meet give it a go, see how it goes :).

I am hopeing Stve may join us ofr a meet some time ... "wink Wink"

I'm wondering if I can straighten the bow (It's literally bowed to the left... about 15 degrees). That said, it's 11 years old, was very cheap, has been moved at least 8 times from home to home and improperly stored.

I'm in the market for a new bow!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.