Suffolk Bushcraft Group

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Toby and Stu,

I'm wondering if you guys would like me to do a group meal. I ask because I've just diced up some venison, wood pigeon breast, wild boar (which I very rarely get) and pheasant breast... thrown in a load of diced veggies (carrot, onion, peppers, spuds) and the amount I've made is far more than I alone could eat on Saturday.

If you want a group meal, I can throw the lot in a gallon Ziploc and bring a bigger pan to cook it up in... if not, I'll freeze the rest and just portion out for me.

Let me know ASAP please :)

Thank you for the offer Simon,

I am going to have to pull out of the Camp this weekend.. The Disco decide to sound like a Sherman Tank... and the down pipe from the manafold has shall we say ended up in two so trying to locate an new one at the mo but with not much luck.. so not going to do much more tomorrow then finding one if I can, and putting it on, I my usall source getting me one in for Monday.. hopefully just in case ....


Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
Thank you for the offer Simon,

I am going to have to pull out of the Camp this weekend.. The Disco decide to sound like a Sherman Tank... and the down pipe from the manafold has shall we say ended up in two so trying to locate an new one at the mo but with not much luck.. so not going to do much more tomorrow then finding one if I can, and putting it on, I my usall source getting me one in for Monday.. hopefully just in case ....

No worries, Stu.
Toby... I'm still a go so long as you haven't changed your mind :)


Mar 11, 2013
Hi Simon, yep im good to go, now packing and just prepped my evening meal chorizo stirfry and my bacon for breakfast.......... I need to get familiar with my kit so happy to meet when you are we can get an early start if you like.

Thanks for the offer of the meal, but im all good cheers.

Sorry you cant make it Stu, I was looking forward to catching up.


Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
Hi Simon, yep im good to go, now packing and just prepped my evening meal chorizo stirfry and my bacon for breakfast.......... I need to get familiar with my kit so happy to meet when you are we can get an early start if you like.

Thanks for the offer of the meal, but im all good cheers.

Sorry you cant make it Stu, I was looking forward to catching up.

I'm thinking of trying for an early start too. Also, if we were to get moved on (which is unlikely) we could go to my woodland though it'd be quite a trek ;)

If you PM me your number, I can give you a call so we can quickly arrange the particulars (I've already PM'd you my number) :)


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Well done mate :), there was a few questions in there that I disagree with their answer but then our view on conservation and theirs is often different,

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
yeah I did disagree with a couple as well, but hey ho... its American.. and their point of view, I ve joined the NFAS page :)

had a look at a few of them others but not joined

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Been trying to find a new Exhaust Down Pipe... but alas... no luck so far....looks like i got to wait till Monday :(

OH well.. armchair Bushcrafter time for me..... hope it don't last... at least I can take part in the chat, and not just sit and watch...

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
No joy at the local breakers yards Stu.

Na I am not that worried to get one from a scrapers... they are prob in a bad way any way, I only got to wait till Monday then pop it one, its just a pain that's all.. I have a mate thats got one that he says is looking a bit thin on his scraper, his over at Braintree, but i don't want to be replacing it again next week..

I can get one from Lindarce the local Landy main dealers but it a Landrover one.. £168 + VAT... I am paying £22 inc VAT.. OK pattern part the last one has lasted 4 years so... i'll wait, I changed the front and middle box in August, and now wished i'd got the down pipe as well, lol.. hey ho Budgets hey..


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