Stainless Steel Swedish Army Trangia's

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
still count me in too, and also happy to cough up the dosh if that keeps it easier. From past experience id recomend that you do it that way. mind you at that price youll get shot of the rest on ebay and if you use the great RM marketting wagon make a tidy profit too :D
Please no more "I'm still interested posts", I'm still waiting for the shipping cost.

When I get it (hopefully tomorrow!) I will PM everybody on my list with the exact details regarding price & shipping costs.

If you are coming to the bushmoot I can bring the stoves with me if they arrive in time but they have to be paid in advance.

Again we'll sort this out when I have the total price.

As soon as I have the shipping estimate and it's reasonable I will order the stoves, and start taking proper orders.

If nobody here actually wants them (heaven forbid ;)) I'll put them up on eBay:

"Stainless Steel Swedish Army stoves, very Ray Mears L@@K"
"Rugged Swedish Army stoves, Bushcraft, Camping"

and I'll get £20 a pop for them :D
I called them today to check the status and the situation is as follows:

They have to pack the order first before giving the total cost since they are not used to ship outside Sweden, and currently they have prioritized to sort out a large batch of surplus they just bought from the Swedish army...

I got a half-hearted promise that the order would be done tomorrow, and I also got a rough estimate for the shipping costs. If that doesn't change too much the costs would be like this:

Mess kit: £7.50
Spare burner: £1.50

Postage from me to you not included.

If you ARE on the main list and isn't interested anymore or want to order one instead of two: PM me asap.

Everybody else: stay cool and wait for the green light :)

I have decided to order 60 mess kits and a dozen spare burners for this group buy. That will get everybody on the main list their wanted # of stoves, as well as most of the waiting list.

If this group buy is successful and there still is interest here I might do another one later, the company I am speaking to have lots of stainless steel mess kits...

And the first 5 or so people that sends payment will get a bonus :cool:
Sorry, the bonuses have gone a looong time ago :p

Talking about that 1784police, Angus Og, maverix, raskusdrotti & weekend_warrior were the quickest ones!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.