Just to beat some more life into the old horse...
Son and me a bit of culinary Haute Cuisine practical research.
We bought these products:
Spam Original
Goya Luncheon Meat
Pure Food Luncheon Meat
Ma Ling L.M.
Bryan L.M.
Those are stocked here in our two largest supermarkets.
We sliced them up in same thickness slices, and fried one slice of each in a:
Teflon pan with a few drops of olive oil
Cast Iron pan with a bit more olive oil.
Each pan had one slice of each pan, slices cut to size so all fitten in the pans.
This we did so the temperature and time was the same for all brands.
Then we are them, degustation style, on its own, with ketchup, or wirg Dijon mustard.
The difference in taste was staggering. Some, specially the Spam, were very salty.
Also, the consistency after cooking was interestingly different.
Spam was the one that shrank the least, and kept the rubbery consistency most.
To be frank, taste wise it came last. Did not expect that!
The ranking, which we easily agreed on:
Ma Ling
Pure Foods
I know you can not get some of those brands, but can get ithers, like the Danish Tulip.
If you are a consumer if Spam/ Luncheon Meat, I recommend you do a similar test, you might find a new favourite!
As you read in my first post, I hate Spam. Still do. But, Goya L. M. Is and will now be served at our dinner table!
The dish we made last week was: fried Goya, quick cook macaroni, mixed with defrosted sweet peas and quickly fried up on butter, sliced tomatoes with thinly sliced onion, drizzled with olive oil and cuder vinegar.
(Wife had something else, she prefers healthy food

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