SPAM and other foods - any hate? :)

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Super idea! I will see if I can get sime green beans from our local roasting company and see if I can grow some.
But as I try to avoid being Off Topic, I will stop here and do a Gardening thread.
Coffee bushes:
The deal is to get the coffee bean bags. Coffee is shipped all over the world green and unroasted.
Nobody up here at 53 or 54 N was roasting in that day and time, but the BIG bean bags were less than a dollar each, by the dozens.

The roasting gets done just before final packaging (some brands, you'd never think so!)
More often than not, there are 3-10 green coffee beans in what looks like an empty bag.
That's what we used in the lab.

Everybody, UK included: Coffee plants are really nice indoor glossy greens with bright red ripe fruit.
....If you want to be an agro-terrorist, plant those at night in the neighbor's garden along with horse radish......

Google "Les Barker" "Compost bin". He's a comedy poet. Your comment just made me think of this little reading.

In the Philippines, Spam is prized and given as a gift. I've done the same, but as a joke.

We have the 'Poo Food' cupboard, at home. That is where the tins of irish stew and tesco curry live. Mostly kept as camping food. But spam lives in the main food stuffs, asAs I really like it. And reading this makes me want a fried spam buttie, with brown sauce... .Mmmmm
I like corned beef too.
Should I go and stand in the corner?
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Yeah I know the topic. Sorry but my list of foods that I truly avoid is pretty short and I listed them early in the thread. (recipes for those foods is another matter) Now that you've mentioned instant coffee I'll add it to my list as well. I can drink it if nothing else is available but I usually need to add sweeteners and creamer (I usually drink real coffee black)
Same here in fact. I eat basically everything. Including stuff most people do not think is food.
Like various animal organs.
I do have an emergency bottle of Nescafe Espresso, but I need to neutralize it with milk, or my stomach gets really bad and painful.

Years since I had it though, I keep a good stock of real coffee.
Having went through a summer of tinned breakfast at work, the final straw was the dead fly one morning. Hunger break tins are now up there with pot noodles..
Spam and bacon grill are both a lazy treat with a scots plain loaf( to compliment the incoming heartburn.

Surprisingly Sainsburys sell a lincolnshire sausage + beans combo that does actually taste ok. It even beats the scrambled egg foil in the ration packs.

Tuna bean pasta or mexican bean pasta is on the avoid list when choosing rations.
Delicious food, even outside Scotland!

Quality tinned ham is delish cold 'raw', fried then cold, fried hot, on a stick over fire, basically anyhow, anytime!

But it has to be of good quality.
Cheap ones are horrible. Small bits of meat and tendons immersed in Spam. :)
Well, maybe not actual Spam, but it looks like it. Solidified pink mass.
The best brand is Bohemia. Basically solid pieces of ham in a very small amount of jelly. No pink gunk.
Truce! This is suposed to be about nasty shirt that you won't eat.
I'm looking at one, headed for the bin = an over-ripe black banana = tube du snot.
Make a Banana bread. You still have some grapes on the vines? Overripe? Add them into the mix.
Our bananas, tree ripe, last about two days in room temperature. Overnight in the fridge.

I pick them before they get brown dotted.

My first bunch of Jamaican Black get a squeeze and prod each evening now. I do not know how they look like when ripe. Or taste like. I hope our local pest the Green Iguana, do not know either.
They certainly know how a ripe yellow banana looks like!

It is a battle between them and me. My .22 Swedish Airgun gives me superiority
Grapes are gone. I went to the city and came home to empty vines.
All the long grass was stomped flat and obviously the birds didn't get it all.
The pickers know what to do, I don't have to hang around.
That's the advantage of having the same gang do the work every year.

That banana is gone, too. You make the banana bread.
I need a slurp and must feed the cat.
Theres not much i dont like, but stuff i would be happy to never see again;

Tinned meatballs, tinned ravioli, mushy peas, cottage cheese, pigs feet, jellied eels.

Cold baked beans make me heave.

Anything loaded with raw tomatos, it just makes everything watery.
I think I am not alone on this hate, Tony, as it also involves tomatoes:

Mum used to make sandwiches for me when we went in school to ski, scate, do nature excursions of some sort.
Sliced bread, buttered, then sliced tomatoes, then sliced cheese, or ham, or sausage on top.

Sandwiches always, always went soggy and disgusting. I usually just ate the cheese or whatever on top, and threw the rest...

( in Sweden we have cooked lunches, free of charge in schools, buy you have to bring your own when outside school activities)

Thank you (not!) Tony for bringing up those memories!

Now I need to booked an appointment for some therapy....
I have a huge problem with egg pasta, and pasta that is flat. Tagliatelle, those birds nest flat thingies, anything flat but not lasagne sheets.

I know it is the same dough, but my tastebuds think othervise.

I guess some traumatic memory from childhood.
I'm with the smell of coffee makes me wanna a retch and vomit. Custard is like eating slime yuk and sardines with the bones still in.. gotta be fastidiously deboned for me to eat as Emergency rations only .
Many moons ago, entering a French Harbour in a Merchant Ship on a low Spring Tide (very little water under us) we went full astern on both props as we berthed alongside. The Harbour bed was stirred up and black mud boiled to the surface, as did the body of a French angler who had fallen off the dockside 10 days earlier...

Now... Whelks...Do you know that even turbulent water does not shift them from their food source?...I can vouch for it...
I hate all Shell Fish..Never eat them....


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