Half A Pig in a weekend (pic heavy)

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Dear Gods lass - thats positively erotic

If I wasn't a happily married man........

I've had my supper again (prawn curry) but that picture still makes me hungry. Great stuff Earthgirl.

And me.... fresh Berkshire pork loin chops... lol...

Thanks, that's it... Pig is now definitely all gone :)

Looking forward to testing 2 different types of bacon and ham tomorrow :o

I tell you it's a hard life... lol...
My gran made the potted hough from sheep or pigs head spread on hot buttered toast was to die for, also served with tatties and neep, I still remember the huge pot she used to cook it in,
So what was the Bacon and Ham like?...

All these were 'experiments' as I've never done this before....

The Wiltshire cure... no water added, just bottled bitter, black treacle, herbs and spices. I did the whole back leg initially to boil for some home cured ham but it was so nice we kept some small pieces and sliced them for bacon. This is a picture of the ham that we boiled the smaller piece... Please note... no bright pink colour, because I didn't use any nitrates (salt petre)


The wet cure, this was done on the collar (piece from the shoulder) done in cold water, salt and light brown sugar.


The final one was the dry cure...


So what was our favourite?

We have to say that's it's been a week since I did all this and the flavour of everything just gets better with time, but our ultimate winner was the 'Dry Cure'...

On Thur I rinsed off the dry cure under a cold water tap and actually soaked it in fresh cold water in a bowl in the fridge for 4hrs as well because I didn't want it to be overly salty. It was then dried on a clean tea towel and left in the fridge uncovered for a day. I hand sliced it, put back in the fridge for a further day before I vacuum packed it.

Any homemade bacon cures that involve sugar should be cooked on a low heat to stop the sugar from burning, The dry cure was put in a 'dry' frying pan with no fat and cooked on a low heat, (trust me, there is enough natural fat to oil your pan:o )

Not overly salty but enough sweetness to make your mouth water... lol... no white 'ooze' or water in the pan and a firm but delicious bite of bacon... :o

All of the bacons and hams were very good but the dry cure was the winner...

:thankyou: for taking the time to view this thread... it's appreciated...

I've added this to the first post for anyone looking for info as to what can be done to keep it all in one place... thank you...
Was never going to do a RC course as they seemed a bit hyped and lecture lead but actually was still pretty good and lots to learn and easy to ask questions still lecture but lots more hands on than I had believed and i get access to the online course and notes etc

I would treat it as a luxury if you have the time and money go for it if not then there's plenty online stuff what will get you thro making a bit of cured bacon etc

yes Hog roast can be fun and hard work its been a long time since I did a whole animal roast over a wood fire as RC would be a weekend occasion with a few Fire buddies prepping and cooking with a bit of home brew Cider ...as it goes with pork ;)

but have used a hired gas one a few times which is easy put pig on light gas turn on motor to rotate wait 3hrs ..stuff your face till it hurts (missed one in the free ads a couple of years ago for sale second hand only a few hundred quid )

now what I want is a decent Mincer and a sausage stuffer :D

But as i have to have my Pig carcasses from the Abattoir delivered thro a butcher the local one has offered to help me thro it in their prep room with all the big machines if needed Im certainly not doing 4 pigs in one go in the utillity room on a sat :lmao:

Oh top tip

Chocolate coated salty pork scratchings ........... trust me :cool:

Apologies for missing this last week...

4 pigs in a wekend sounds way to much... lol...

I agree there is plenty online to get you through... and having done it once (through sheer 'pig' headedness... lol...to just have a go ) I'd do it again, I've actually found a few good 'blogs' that show you how to cut up the pig in a slightly different way to get the cuts you want. There doesn't seem to be any hard and fast rules. Cut your pig according to what you want to make from it... In my ideal life I'd be making sausages and bacon once a month :o

You just can't beat it after tonights taste testing... and the more you try out different recipes the better you'd get at it...

Do you have a recipe for these chocolate coated pork scratchings??? as I have some dry cured pork skin in the fridge from the dry cure... lol...

Hog roast which ever way you do it is still hard work in my book... lol... we got everyone to bring us drinks on the pretence they would be getting 'open roasted pork crackling' :o
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4 pigs in a wekend sounds way to much... lol...

Do you have a recipe for these chocolate coated pork scratchings??? as I have some dry cured pork skin in the fridge from the dry cure... lol...


Yes will probably get em slaughtered in pairs and they will be delivered to the local butcher who is happy to hold em so I can deal with them in easier chunks and use his Big Mincers etc :)

Take Pork scratching with a reasonable but not excessive fat layer and well salted and dip in melted Chocolate I like milk choclate but dark with chilli flakes sounds good.

put on an toothpick and dip stick in a spud to dry

I found it by eating them with a flake ;) now that makes a different over flowing bath add :D

Hog roast which ever way you do it is still hard work in my book... lol

Yeh but a weekend of fun and fire with pork based food and Cider Food and drink of the Gods :approve:

A local New forest Hog roast busness has just come up for sale with 6 Roasters ;)
Yes will probably get em slaughtered in pairs and they will be delivered to the local butcher who is happy to hold em so I can deal with them in easier chunks and use his Big Mincers etc :)

Take Pork scratching with a reasonable but not excessive fat layer and well salted and dip in melted Chocolate I like milk choclate but dark with chilli flakes sounds good.

put on an toothpick and dip stick in a spud to dry

I found it by eating them with a flake ;) now that makes a different over flowing bath add :D

It sounds Odd... if I'm honest... :confused: but hey... who the heck am I to talk... :lmao: I still have the skin from the dry cured bacon in the fridge, I should probably have a go at this before I comment and then let you know... just because it sounds odd to me. A new combination to try... honest I will give it a go...

but a weekend of fun and fire with pork based food and Cider Food and drink of the Gods :approve:

A local New forest Hog roast busness has just come up for sale with 6 Roasters ;)

can you resist the temptation????? lol... oh... and if you do go for it, don't forget the mad welsh woman who can't resist the temptation of cooking out doors... lol

P.S. I can drink cider as well :o
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My favourite quote of the day...

My Mum on the phone tonight" thanks, that roast pork you gave us to taste was bloody lovely, not dry and even the fat was nice"

Me " That wasn't roast pork that was the wiltshire cure ham I boiled"

Mum " Well it looked just like roast pork!!"

Me " I didn't use any nitrates, that why it wasn't pink"

Mum " Are you sure"

I give up.... :confused:

Parents eh.... lol...


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