Nothing wrong with older slower ways. That was how things went for centuries. Change came, but it was slower and easier to engage with. Nowadays it's breakneck speed, and I for one, have given up trying to keep up. It makes me uncomfortable. I'm staying in my comfy seat as much as possible, and attempting to learn old skills of many different kinds, and clinging tightly to a more comfortable slow life, the way it used to be in my youth. I think some modernisation is good and even inevitable, but my problem is the speed of life now. I just don't do 90mph any more.
I volunteered for a local food bank, but got left out of the loop as I filled in the form, and provided a landline contact, nobody could be bothered to phone and engage with me. Apparently, communication is a round Robin e mail, write it once, send it to everyone, that's the sum total of engagement.
Oh, well, they lost out on a volenteer. Sad, but there you are. So much for being desperate for help.
Sorry, had to stop there and plug in, so just to add.
They see the system they use as efficient use of time. I see it as lazy and uncommunicative.
They want to go at breakneck speed and don't seem to care about those who can't or don't want to "keep up"
Then we wonder why there seems to be a huge mental health problem. Sometimes to be efficient, we need to slow down, and smell the roses.