Snow Shoes

Im thinking of heading out this weekend and I was wondering how difficult is it to make snow shoes and are there any guides somewhere out there other than the Ray Mears episode where he makes some.

Also do they allow you to walk higher up in the snow column (ie not allowing you to sink in too far)?


Aug 19, 2007
Bradford, UK
Snow shoes spread your weight over more snow so reduce the pressure on the snow. This allows you to stay higher up. On really soft powdery stuff you'll still sink quite a way but its better than no snowshoes.

An additional benefit of the modern types (can't speak for the traditional ones) is that they have crampon-like spikes on the bottom to aid grip.

jack by the hedge

May 29, 2009
Leeds, W.yorks
I took the opportunity last night to head out into the fields and try out for the first time a pair I got as a present 3 years ago. Having never used a pair before, and to be honest didn't think i'd get the change in Leeds, I wanted to see what the deal was.

I found that you move best if you walk 'heel' first and not like a clockwork robot. You tend to sink less. You need to get a rhythm going with your legs slightly further apart to move well, ( really works those buttocks ) and if you have to, you can get up to jogging speed quite well.

I would drop 2.5" -3" but i could put my gloved hand down a good 5".

Where I found them really working well is when you move over scrubland. You tend to walk over the vegetation and the snow as well, something that would be incredibly difficult without snowshoes, so makes walking where you want to go a more direct experience.

They do throw snow up the back of your legs and backside, wear waterproofs ( I didn't ), can be hard going at first ( turning round is fun the first time) but offer some support it you're about to topple over ( just like clown feet)

I may go out once more but it will be in darkness again as you look a tool in the urban set up and must be a magnet to abuse from hoodies.

Hope that helps.



Need to contact Admin...
Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
Im thinking of heading out this weekend and I was wondering how difficult is it to make snow shoes and are there any guides somewhere out there other than the Ray Mears episode where he makes some.

Also do they allow you to walk higher up in the snow column (ie not allowing you to sink in too far)?

Pathways News have got a good article on making some temporary snow shoes.

Rory McCanuck

Dec 25, 2009
Manitoba, Canada
There are several types and methods here:
Some are better/more difficult than others, but these look to be about the easiest to make.
All the methods of binding the shoes to your feet work, but some are
pretty complicated. We always just used cotton lampwick, but I think
1" nylon strap from your local fabric store would work nicely.
If you decide to make a set, I'll post some pics of how to tie the bindings.
Hope this helps, and good luck :hatscarf:


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