Yes they do that sort of thing all the time in the house of Lords canteen. Just like overgrown schoolboys! I've heard they flick their nuts at each other with rulers as well. You'd fit in perfeckly! 

Like modern MREs,the old C-Rations were meant to be a single meal. US soldiers were issued THREE packs per day. And C-Rats never contained the condoms; those were issued separately.I can see Corbyn flicking his nuts at May...
C-rations and similar. A day’s ration is quite heavy. The US soldiers were either given one psck each, or in no hostility was expected, the ’cook house’ upened a bunch of pscks, made a meal and distributed it to the boys.
Fags, chocks, sweets too.
The US WW2 C ration contained one pack of condoms a day.
Dad told he found it very funny that grown up american men were given baloons to play with.
From what I can remember it was pale yellow in colour and tho softer than normal cheddar still quite firm. You could cut a wedge if you wanted but we just used to scrape shavings off with a knife and bung it in the beans. Cheesy beans... still the only way to eat them.
C-rations and similar. A day’s ration is quite heavy. .
A typical 24 hour ration 'box' weighs about 1.8kgs which is too heavy to carry on a 'walking basis' but fine for a 'static' camp.
My 'own build' 24 hour ration bag weighs 554 grams and consists of :
1x Porridge, 1x Cup-A-Soup, 1x Plastic K,F,S
1x 700 Kcal Chicken Tikka & Rice,
1x 345 Kcal Flapjack, 1x 450Kcal Flapjack
1x Cocoa Sachet, 1x 218Kcal Choc Bar, 2x Salt Sachets
Total of just over 2000Kcals
My 2-Day ration pack weighs 1150 grams and consists of :
2x Porridge, 1x Cup-A-Soup, 4x Small 345 Kcal Flapjacks, 1x Spork
1x Oriental Chicken & Rice, 1x Spaghetti Bolognese 1x Pasta Snack
2x Cocoa Sachets, 2x Choc Bars, 4x Salt Sachets
Total 4500Kcals
I have made up 'mini-bags'(small self-seal bags 50mm x 50mm) each containing 1x tea-bag, powdered milk and two sweeteners) that weigh 7 grams each. Several of these live inside my Mug ready for a quick brew up.
Like modern MREs,the old C-Rations were meant to be a single meal. US soldiers were issued THREE packs per day. And C-Rats never contained the condoms; those were issued separately.
And there in lies the crunch - the weight - I plan to do similar except use a commercially brought flameless ration heater and meal for some ‘hot food’
Instant noodles and cup a soup is an excellent shout tho, nice quick hot pick me up and all you need to do is boil some water
The idea with ration packs is that all food can be eaten cold. That you can live off it for years, it contains all nutrients.
The WW2 version had 2 cigarettes in them. I’m not aware of any of the American ones having any bread other than crackers (biscuits) and an occasional cake type muffin although the recent Canadian IMPs have bread.Thank you for the info. Dad said they did contain cigarettes (5? 10?) and condoms, I guess he assumed the actual box had them inside.
He also said the sweets were disgusting, the meat delicious and the bread uneatable.
I used to buy British ration packs from a Landrover /ex MOD place.
I loved most of it.
Used to take it with me when me and som did bushcrafting UK style.
Too heavy to take on treks.
You think the winters will get cold and snow rich in UK like in the past?
Remember, tins of food in minus degrees = tins of frozen food.
Difficult to even open unless they jave a ring pull or that little key Corned Beef tins have.
Better to walk to nearest pub!