Ration Packs

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I can't realy say much about army rations but in the late 70s my best buddy and I used to go to a lot of motorcycle rallies on our bikes. Her dad was in the army and he used to give us tins of cheese which he hated and we loved especially melted into our obligatory baked beans. Does anyone know if you can still get it in ration packs? I'd love to re live that taste.
Was the cheese yellowish orange?
This one is a Jamaican version, you might get it in the nearest town that has a Jamaican population.
It is very tasty, I have it almost every morning on my Wasa Sourdough Crackerbreads or Jamaican Water Crackers.

It says it is a 'spread' but it is hard. Needs to be cut.

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The tins just had CHEESE stamped on them. No labels but looking at the description it may be the same stuff. Nearest town with a Jamaican population? No idea. Possibly bristol, I'd need a national express coach to get there after an hours journey to get to it! Not realy viable even to get 20 tins.
I can't realy say much about army rations but in the late 70s my best buddy and I used to go to a lot of motorcycle rallies on our bikes. Her dad was in the army and he used to give us tins of cheese which he hated and we loved especially melted into our obligatory baked beans. Does anyone know if you can still get it in ration packs? I'd love to re live that taste.

Good old ‘cheese, possessed’

It’s rank, probably can find vintage cans about but not ‘new’
The Jamaican one is quite mild. Jamaica has strict food regulations, surprisingly.
So has New Zealand, but even stricter.

( why does the idiot Janne write abour New Zealand? )

It is in fact made in New Zealand. Kiwi cheddar. Good stuff.
Cheeze Whiz? No Sir!
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Just had a horrible thought if they are vintage cans ... does that make me vintage too? Actually that makes me 20 yrs older than vintage! Then again like a good wine some things get better with age..... :)
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Will see if I have a can at the museum I run with a mate, it’s a ww2/Cold War Museum so might have some. We definitely have some 80’s rations

I used to work in deep level tunnel MoD phone exchanges in London (think Cabinet War Rooms) and there were several store rooms packed full of Cold War gear that had been tidied up and left on shelves.

I watched the Berlin Wall fall while down there which was quite something. Nobody wanted any of it and nobody could be bothered to do anything with it, so I used to rummage about and look at how things were for the guys who were stationed down there.

To think that I would have been thanked for leaving with armfuls of rations, gas masks, comms gear... basically anything that wouldn’t decay and be dangerous when it did, as we had filtered air.

Could have opened a Cold War Kitchen museum.
That cheese analog is soft, the Brit version is like the Jamaican/New Zealand product.

I bought the spray can of Cheese Whiz once. OMG, WMD in a can!

I could not even do my 'party trick' for my son with it , like I have been known to do with spray can of whipped cream.
( put nozzle in mouth, squeeze the tip and let the whipped creak come out through the nose)

I think it would have killed me.
From what I can remember it was pale yellow in colour and tho softer than normal cheddar still quite firm. You could cut a wedge if you wanted but we just used to scrape shavings off with a knife and bung it in the beans. Cheesy beans... still the only way to eat them.
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That cheese analog is soft, the Brit version is like the Jamaican/New Zealand product.

I bought the spray can of Cheese Whiz once. OMG, WMD in a can!

I could not even do my 'party trick' for my son with it , like I have been known to do with spray can of whipped cream.
( put nozzle in mouth, squeeze the tip and let the whipped creak come out through the nose)

I think it would have killed me.
Have you ever tried your party trick with that swedish delicacy of cod roe in a squeezy tube.... kalle? ... forget what it's called but you can get it in ikea. I bought some thinking it was like a tube of squeezy soft primula cheese that you can get here. Oh my god!! Seeking a midnight snack in a dark kitchen I squeezed a full mouthful into my mouth. (Yes I'm a heathen I know) swallowed it greedily only to retch for about an hour non stop! Nothing took the taste away. I'll wear my glasses next time at ikea food Hall. Even the cat wouldn't touch it and that little boy is greedy as heck!
Yes, Kalles.
No, it needs to come in a pressurized can.
The propellant kind of pushes the whipped cream foam up and out.
I have ( like most people in Scandinavia that eat creamed cods roe) sneezed them out though. Burns.

Do not you Brittish Warriors have food related part tricks?
Pushing a pair of Chippolatas up in your nostrils then blowing them out?

Fess up!
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