Rainbow Gathering?


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I've just got back from a walk in one of my local woodlands in a profound state of shock, and I'm very conflicted about what's just happened to me and Molly, my springer spaniel...................

The story so far:

Whilst wandering about in some Beech woods near where I live, I noticed some tents in one of the glades and Molly ran across to them; we were greeted in a very friendly manner by a few people around them and offered a cup of tea which I accepted, and sat with the half dozen or so people who were about. These were obviously inexperienced campers as there was food lying around in half-open packets on the ground, the fire was very amateurish, and I was given my tea in a rinsed out yogurt pot; nothing wrong with that, and after a few minutes of general chat I asked what they were doing and was told that they are the advance party of a gathering of
up to three or four hundred "Rainbow Gatherers" who were coming there for a month or so to celebrate the Summer Solstice, and they intend to build a main fire pit, a kitchen and admin area and what they described as s**t pits at the far end of the glade................I couldn't believe my ears; as I say, there was nobody amongst them that appeared to have the faintest notion of how to go about such a task, no tools or equipment and no permission to be there at all. I was gobsmacked by the naivety (sp) of it all, not to mention the obvious ineptitude, but I held my tongue meaning to talk a bit more and see if I'd understood properly what I'd been told.

About half an hour into this chat, two more guys arrived with a huge dog, and they were also very friendly and polite, and when I asked about the dog was assured that he was fine with other dogs. Turns out he's a Great Dane crossed with a Rotty, two years old and not neutered and had been rescued by one of those present. He's huge, as you can imagine, and went over to Molly and seemed to be quite steady and not at all bothered in any way, and Molly gave him the usual sniff at both ends then wandered off to do her own stuff, this is her back yard and she knows every inch of it but is quite happy to share it with both other dogs and humans.

As the chap who had rescued the dog was talking to me, this giant of a thing launched himself at Molly, rolled her bout across the clearing and then tore a chunk from her chest half the size of my hand. Between myself
and another guy nearby we managed to get him off her but he's injured her badly, and I'm very worried about the psycholgical affect this will have on her with other dogs; this was a savage attack and it shocked her to the core.................the wound will wait for first thing tomorrow at the vets for stitching and will heal quickly, but who knows about the lasting effects of this on her?

I don't really know how to proceed further with this, if these people carry on with their plan they're going to wreck a very lovely bit of Beech wood in more ways than one, but how do I act?

Any thoughts?, I seem to still be in some shock over this.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Call the cops and the landowner if you know who that is Mac. These people have no right to be there from what you say - I can't stand people who think they have a right to trespass, dig and burn like that. Its criminal damage.

As for the dog - I fear your redress may be small there - two dogs off the lead and one bit the other.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 22, 2006
Call the police mate, nice or not 400 people turning up to a woodland with no organisation is going to do some serious damage. Hope your dog is ok.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I'm calmer now, I must have been in mild shock myself a bit...................

Hugh, I'm not concerned with redress for the biting and attack, you're perfectly correct, two dogs off the lead etc.

I'm going to call the police first thing tomorrow, and I think the ground is Forestry Commission Wales, although they've now got a fancy new name.

Thanks for the replies :)


Full Member
Apr 25, 2009
Yep, inform the police before the dog attacks another dog besides yours. Then thing you don't know what the rescue dog has been through in its pervious life either ways it sounds like it needs to be muzzled. I dread my dog being attacked by another, that said he's been bitten by a Jack Russell...another one who said his dog was fine!
I hope your dog is OK I've had a coupe of dogs who've been bitten and it hasn't affected their behaviour around other dogs.


Full Member
May 8, 2008
As for the dog - I fear your redress may be small there - two dogs off the lead and one bit the other.

The law has just changed, not necessarily for the better for law abiding bods but may help in this case: https://www.gov.uk/control-dog-public/overview

Your dog is considered dangerously out of control if it:

  • injures someone
  • makes someone worried that it might injure them
A court could also decide that your dog is dangerously out of control if:

  • it injures someone’s animal
  • the owner of the animal thinks they could be injured if they tried to stop your dog attacking their animal

So you're within your rights to report the dog attack as well, whether you want to considering the type of people is another matter.

I hope Molly makes a full recovery.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
It does'nt sound like the Rainbow warriors/tribe as they have set venues at Solstice and are also very capable at outdoor living,as most were once part of the peace convoy, I know some on a personal level and have never had a bad experience, I think the group you have there Mac are using the name to hide behind,sorry to hear about Molly I do hope she gets over the trauma of the event and you. but i would phone the FC and make them aware of the situation.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
I've had my dinner now, and Molly had a bit of mine, but she's extremely stiff and very subdued, but we'll both live..................I'm going to call up FCW, and let them inform the police, they'll probably have a direct line to somebody who will act in the required
manner. I've had a little read about the Rainbow outfit, and this lot don't seem to fit that profile.

Thanks very much for all the replies and good wishes for Molly :)


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Thanks Dave :)

I've informed Natural Resources Wales, (there's posh!) a.k.a. Forestry Com. Wales, and they'll take action; they asked if I'd call the cops, for some reason it makes it easier for them, so I've done that too .


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Tell the real Rainbow gathering too...No doubt they will be horrified at someone abusing their name like this.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.