Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Yayyyyy....Greger you rock. Thanks for all the help dude...😎😎😎🙌🙌🙌🤘🤘🤘🤘👌👌👌👍👍👍👏👏👏👏

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I think thats all the travel sorted now. [Weight off anyway. :)]

Just waiting on confirmation from those who have not yet booked their train or plane, that they have done so by now.

Trains book up lightning fast up there. Its only £12 per ticket, so no excuse for not having booked one by now!
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Think we'll stick with just the sat phone

Euston we have a problem, I looked into the Sat phone, on top of the rental there is a £500 refundable deposit, I won't be in a position to stump that up what with the trip and right after Christmas, if we split it that would be ok, or if someone is feeling flush ?

Thoughts guys ?
Im happy to stump up the £500 on pay day but the other costs we will have to share. Unless of course it gets lost stolen or breaks which is what the 500 is for. If that happens your all bloomin paying...😂😂😂

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk
If i do this though its an EMERGENCY phone only. It will get turned on and charged daily thats it.

Talking of charging do we have a means of doing that to the said phone???

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk
If i do this though its an EMERGENCY phone only. It will get turned on and charged daily thats it.

Talking of charging do we have a means of doing that to the said phone???

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk

Nice one Chris. Im sure we'll al have charging devices. Im not sure whether one of the female/male connectors will fit, but one of us should have one.
Greger, if you could look into that that would be great, many thanks ( you do drink, don't you ? ) Chris, if need be that would be great, I'm not planning on using it as originally suggested, and yes, emergencies only, charging I'm assuming is via a powerpack, which I still need to get as weel.
Ok guys that have mate these toboggan, and anyone with a theory, only realised after I had put the thwarts and rope on that the body has warped, took the rope off and still the same, I'm thinking maybe the holes need to be bigger for the bolts, like it's possible that of the bolts are slightly out and I've pulled them into place and that's created what you see, before I strip any more though, thoughts please, I'm assuming that it needs to be flat ? Any down side whilst pulling it if it were bellied ? Thanks guys.



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Oooh. Looks good mate. I like the dark wood. I would not worry or mess with it. It will have kit on it anyway so it will lay flat. Its probably just the shape of the plastic and may well sort its self out in due course when you start useing it.

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk
Oooh. Looks good mate. I like the dark wood. I would not worry or mess with it. It will have kit on it anyway so it will lay flat. Its probably just the shape of the plastic and may well sort its self out in due course when you start useing it.

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk

Yeh, I'd agree wit all that Al.
Cheers mate, made a mistake on the second thwart from front,, I meant to do as you have with the holes for the harness rope, I'll have to drill a couple of new ones through, somewhere to the outside edge, also I haven't done the notches on the bottom of the thwarts for the paracord, I'll probably drill through them half way up ?, I still need to decide on how to attach the webbing, I'll have another better look at your pictures and the one's I took at the meet, apart from that, all good :D
What are people using for harnesses btw? I've been looking at quick release mechanisms... if the ice breaks, I don't fancy being dragged to the bottom of a lake by my pulk.
I'm probably using the strap off my old golf bag attached with 5mm rope main line, if the ice starts to give the first thing I'll do is grab either my ice spikes, if I make them, failing that run my hands down the ski poles on the way in and use them as spikes to haul out, the toboggan is going to be a fair way behind, it may act as an anchor ? and there again, you may fall through the harness anyway :D with the weight being dragged I cant see how a quick release would work, and by the time you;ve taken you hands off your poles to release it you're through without spikes, doom and gloom I know, but it is a possibility ?
Chances are if you fall through the ice, you go first, the pulk gets dragged in behind you. The shock of hitting freezing water is going to disorientate immediately, but without a quick release you're in the water with a pulk that drags you down within seconds. I'd rather have it than not... but I appreciate my reactions may not be quick enough. If that is the case, unfortunately I'll die. A great loss I know, but worse things happen around the world without the person consenting to the risk before hand.

Even if our friends manage to drag us from beneath the ice, the chances of survival are slim and rescue is far away. Its a risk we all must accept for the adventure.

Lets just say I've made sure my affairs are in order. New will signed, insurance taken out and internet history wiped :D


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.