Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I have two of these Al. Which are a little large for the airlines. My toboggan rolls up and goes inside. As does my other kit. Ones packed full of clothes.

I then have to use a couple of luggage straps, lengthways and around the middle to squeeze it down to meet the airlines requirements. When I'm using the bags on the boggan, you dont want any excess material hanging over the sides, otherwise you get drag, which is like pulling a dead horse on fresh snowfall.

The bags Chris had at the meet, looked to be thinner than the deployment bags, and waterproof, so a better choice. Although they also looked like they might be a little bit long for the airline requirements.

Tinky pete is taking a hockey bag, presumably because they are long and thin. You can get them at, for under £20, and roll it up and put it inside your luggage.

I asked Bilmo to build me a long coffin type bag, and gave him the dimensions, [which I had worked out incorrectly.]

British Airways destroyed it as well. Its about 5 feet long, and heavy canvas. What Ive recently done, is cut out about a foot strip, from the bottom of the bag, pinned it, and taken it to a dress makers, and asked them to sew it back up.

My toboggan is 16 inches wide. When the coffin bag is now packed, it should sit snugly, with nothing hanging over the sides. I'll experiment, putting my deployment bags, on top of the coffin bag.

The other way is to use a tarp to cover it all, lay all your kit out in it, I guess, but Ive never tried that.

**No I suggested to Ash to get a black river one, but he's the worst DIY'er ever. :lmao: So hes getting one from LOTN already built.

Depends what the snows like as well, if its hard packed snow on the lake you can just give your boggan a little tug and it'll float right past you. Dead Easy.

Hows your boggan build coming along?
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I got 2 of these for the bogan. They are longer but thinner so should fit well and not a bad price. The north face one the same is £150 i think. They are a good bag for the money though mate. Not broken one yet and its traveled quite a bit too.


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Hows your boggan build coming along?

I missed that, well it's marked out for cuts which is happening this weekend, the struts are being made by my Brother, he's the woodworker with the tools for the job, I'll get sizes to him once the cutting of the toboggan is done. So, in answer to the question........................slowly but surely :D
Folks, i'm still not sorted. I haven't got the Pulk as it seems impossible to verify if the airline will take it. So i thought i'd just buy a Toboggan but LOTN haven't returned my emails as yet and i don't know of any other maker.
Folks, i'm still not sorted. I haven't got the Pulk as it seems impossible to verify if the airline will take it. So i thought i'd just buy a Toboggan but LOTN haven't returned my emails as yet and i don't know of any other maker.

Too early to panic yet but how much kit will you be taking ? would a small ride on type do ?

Have you tried Black river direct

A Toboggan will class as ski equipment on a flight normally about 20 kilo packed in it

Mine is going into one of the bags with kit inside, Ash, just been looking at the Black river ones again and noticed that they're made of HDPE, a google brings up that you can buy sheets cheap enough £60 ish


Anyone care to slap me down, being the novice and all :)
Ash, email chris at black river. It may take a day or 2 to get back to you but he will. Busy time of year for him i guess.

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I think black river do the blanks now too. And yes pulks can be taken on sas airlines. Think you have to phone for details and advanced booking though.

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Are we still getting hunting licences when we get over there? And obviously implied, are we hunting for some food?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.