Open invitation arctic meet 2017

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Cool beans Al...👍👍👍🤘🤘🤘👌👌👌👏👏👏

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These tips from Mr Kirtley are spot on, and worth listening to.

Great article Chris. Im still note sure whether to dig down to the ground, or use skids under the stove. Guess we'll have to see when we get there?
Yeah I've read and watched all of those ....... over and over ;) Digging down could be a waste of effort for the size of space needed, depending on how deep it is and depending on what you find buried you may not get a clear enough area ? Still, my reasoning comes from the theory not practice ?
Yeah I've read and watched all of those ....... over and over ;) Digging down could be a waste of effort for the size of space needed, depending on how deep it is and depending on what you find buried you may not get a clear enough area ? Still, my reasoning comes from the theory not practice ?

Sometimes its ok to dig down, depends on a variety of factors. We'll just have to see what its like on the ground Al. Groundtruth I think the army call it? After a week or so, with the heat from your stove, a lot of snow will have melted inside your tent anyway exposing dirt. It all depends where you park your tent....:)

There do seem to be some nice bluffs, up the edge of the lake, in the forested bits,which will be a few degrees warmer, than right on the edge of the lake in the marshy bits.

I dont know how thick the trees are there though. Wont know till we get there. Hopefully the maps will give us a clue. I think its probably going to be rather difficult to find a spot like the one PK shows, setting up his snowwalker, where we are going. Without a fair bit of searching...

Ours will probably be more like this I imagine.

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Yeah I appreciate that it all depends on conditions and location etc as you say see when we get there, the pitch down would be nice

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Yeah I watch them weekly, I watch all sorts on YouTube to do with winter camping from all over the world

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Ok serious question for all of you. Are we hot lunching or cold and if cold lunching are we brewing up too. It may sound silly but we all need to do the same if we are out together as one takes longer than they other????

Worth sorting now though be people start buying food and things.

Thanks Snow Treckers...👍👍👍👍

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I suppose it comes down to the individual, we'll be having a brew so to knock up some form of hot meal will be easy enough ?

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Breakfast for me is normally a hot one to start the day off well (instant oats or the like, MartinK9 was having shepherd's pie for his).

Lunch is dependant on the day sometimes hot sometimes cold, but normally with a warm drink either squash, chocolate or coffee or tea for me.

snacks for me are generally stuff like chocolate, trail mix, dried fruit, fruit leathers, oat cakes and sweets.

Evening meal will be the group one, mainly either pasta, cous cous, or the like as the base with added extras like soups and dried sauces, with some meat (hotdogs (locally purchased and we were in Norway) etc). No mushrooms as Chris does like them but will have extras too. We can supplement this with locally bought food and anything we get. But generally that is a good base to start from.

On food you take out with you try to get it as light as possible dehydrated and powdered is the best, heavier stuff meats/fresh/etc be bought out there.

If you are looking at the calories aim for around 3000-4000+ a day as a rough guide.

For the group meals we need to know of any dislikes so we can plan for them.

TinkyPete: No mash potatoes
Chris: No mushrooms

The rest of you please add to this so we can start to plan for the food
Bop I'm not 'keen' on cous cous, but I'll trade off on that for the ease of cooking and weight, it will go down :D
TinkyPete: No mash potatoes
Chris: No mushrooms

Also, it looks like 2 evening meals apiece with a bit left over, I'll do a couple of stews if that's ok with people ?
Hey gents. Good thinking Pete. Ref cal i know i will smash 5,000 a day maybe more but food will be my only issue i think ie getting enough of it through out the day and being able to carry/take enough of it for the duration. Im like a bloody race horse i just burn it off.

Going to take some freeze dried meals around 800 cal a pop so maybe enough for 2 a day topped up with pasta and pesto hot chocolate powder the full fatty as hek stuff. Cheese cured sausage and meats biscuits sweets in Sweden to add to that. Should just about cover it. Oh coffee and green tea and some of that exspensive squash stuff you squirt into water for hot drinks too. Soup paste is always a winner as well...

Need to send some emails see if any of my kit has turned up yet too...😕😕😕

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.