Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Ok nice one, if the numbers don't increase and it's money dependant I don't mind pitching in more, we need a good meet to talk about Sweden

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Been thinking on power / charging for devices, what do you lot do ? I was thinking of buying a pan with the thermo eictric base seeing as we'll be doing a lot of stove work anyway.

Dave, I was gonna call you but thought it might be better in here for others to reference. In your kit list for the Boreal Forest which I have been using like mad, what was the reasoning behind so many sets of thermals, did you use them all or was it a case of you didn't have drying facilities like a hot tent ? Also, and this is to those in the know, Re: snowshoes, what's the collective thinking of aluminium ones ? full size by the way 48x14 inches, any good, good points / bad points ? Getting close now :D
Dave, I was gonna call you but thought it might be better in here for others to reference. In your kit list for the Boreal Forest which I have been using like mad, what was the reasoning behind so many sets of thermals, did you use them all or was it a case of you didn't have drying facilities like a hot tent ? Also, and this is to those in the know, Re: snowshoes, what's the collective thinking of aluminium ones ? full size by the way 48x14 inches, any good, good points / bad points ? Getting close now :D

Hi Al.

x3 160gmerino on one base layers.
1x Helly Hansen Merino Boxers
x4 Belluci Microfibre 90% polyamide boxers
x1 200g Ulfrotte top
x1 400g ulfrotte top
x1 200g ulfrotte long johns
x1 200g merino icebreaker long johns

Well, you need spares, 1 pair of 200g ulfrottes is all I wear on the bottom, with wool trousers, but theres a spare pair in case I ever needed to double up, [unlikely] or if one gets soaked.

The x3 160g tops are really thin, [and holey] and pack down to probably a third of the size of the 200g ulfrotte. I woudnt take x4 ulfrottes for instance.
1 for my sanitary layer, 1 I might sleep in, [with 200g ulfrotte balaclava] and I hate the long trip home in smelly clothes. Same with boxers. Sanitary layer, and pack down to nothing.
My plan was to bribe or beg Greger to accept a parcel with my snowshoes in I think, as mine are the same size, 14x48, and on it was only £20 to post them Lulea.
On a plane they'd be considered extra long baggage, and you would have to pay a premium. Main thing about surplus Snowshoes is to get good bindings for them.
Smaller ones, bearpaws, are great for the forest, bigger ones great for the lake.
But once we've made some trails, down to the lake and up to the main group fire, and off to the various toilets, and tents, you wont need snowshoes, as it'll be packed down.

I suppose I better start thinking about what to bring to the meet. Ugh, that means kit everywhere......again.

Mind you, if its posted up, I dont really need to do I? A fair bit of kit has changed.

Sharps. I could get by very well, with just my small pukko, laplander and Robin Wood Hatchet. I know the accepted wisdom is a longer axe is safer, but I never swing it. I just make a round mallet, saw the dead tree, and use the mallet to split the wood with the hatchet. I also take a small plastic wedge and a longer plastic wedge.
I have a big knife, similiar to a lekku, and a silky katanaboy, I havent decided what to take yet tbh.

But yeh, certainly the snowtrekker tent with titanium stove is a god send out there. Hang your gear you've worn all day in the evening for a couple of hours.
Felt liners, socks, base layers, etc.
Sleep cold, get the stove going again in the morning, boil your water, fill your thermos and hang your sleeping bag up.

I think were doing group meals though this time. Which is a good idea, so long as everyone can cook!

We'll have to sort out who is cooking which day, and a menu. That course I went on, we were eating the same as the huskys got.....Which is high quality food, But god it was awful. Like a thick pate sausage in stews.

I was thinking of taking some dried tomato powder, dehydrated kidney beans, and peppers, and onions, dehydrated minced beef, rice, and making a good chili con carne. with some flatbread. when its my turn.

Oh if the group is going to procure my massive cast aluminium 13.5 litre mess tin, it has to be cleaned every night by the cook. Not left overnight with food in. I was going to use it, just to collect water, and leave it on or by my stove, but happy to give it up if neccesary for the good of the group. Unless Tinky pete is planning on bringing some group surplus cooking stuff....dunno yet.

Im a bit worried about trying to fit all my kit and Ash's kit on my boggan. Will have to see about that one. I wonder if someone would lend us another boggan?
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Thanks for the info Dave, I'll see about the two pairs of shoes and like you if Greger will accept a delivery bribe him also lol, ok so plenty of base layers it is, I won that smock on eBay, just hope it's big enough, if not it will sell easy enough I think.

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Thanks for the info Dave, I'll see about the two pairs of shoes and like you if Greger will accept a delivery bribe him also lol, ok so plenty of base layers it is, I won that smock on eBay, just hope it's big enough, if not it will sell easy enough I think.

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Oh nice one, looked like a quality smock did that one.
hey you all, ship anything you want, I'll keep it safe for you (send a PM with info - mainly if it need to be stored a room temp etc). No bribes needed, though.
Thanks for the link, I'm budgeting now, so it will be the Aldi ones when they're available :D kit is coming together nicely now, it's just snowshoes, mukluks and boots and cloths to finish off, most of that is going to be from the surplus shops I think, any thoughts on the aluminium snowshoes ?

EDIT: on the subject of Mukluks, how does the sizing work ? I'm an 8 in normal shoes, so what would I need considering all the liners etc that go into one, I'll take a look at yours and TP's this week :)
Hi gents, I'm back to the UK now and should be good to go for the September meet up, things change fast here though..

Where is Northwood as I have never been?? Is there a post code for the crapnav???

Dont think I will be bringing much kit though, maybe my boots for people to check out.

My skid sledge should be here soon though and tent later this month. All I really need now is my sleeping bag and stove, a few bits like cooking pot maybe a bigger folding saw.

Does anyone know how hard it is to get whitegas type stove fuel in Sweden. I may well bring my multi fuel stove as a backup and brew stove. If the brow stuff hits the fan and someone goes man down its a quick hot liquid and food supply. Suppose petrol would do though.

So come on then, plans kit lists ect????

Spread the love..

Hi mate, glad youre back safe and sound. Looking forward to meeting you. We can all pile in my mobile if you like, you, Al and me, from Yorkshire, if you wanna get a lift down.
Hi mate, glad youre back safe and sound. Looking forward to meeting you. We can all pile in my mobile if you like, you, Al and me, from Yorkshire, if you wanna get a lift down.

That's gonna be a lot of kit to squeeze in your motor mate, don't get me wrong, splitting the fuel bill works for me, but once the Sunday morning breakie is done I have to be back pretty sharpish, still, as always, I'm flexible ish :D

Good to see you back Lannyman, so how's the kit list looking, by your post your pretty much sorted ?
Up to you guys, The landy with a roof box will easily handle the kit. And sunday morning split early sounds fine. I can pick you both up at the train station or whatever.

Havinf said that, when are we going down? Friday? Morning, afternoon, evening?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.