Wow, yes, you certainly seem to despise them. But a closer look at your argument seem to suggest that it's a certain behaviour you don't like.
When I have my light lit in my Lavvu, it doesn't make the lavvu into a green lit cone. I have a lamp shade for it, and my tent has a silver coating on the inside (it's a Frisport). There is nothing there to annoy anyone. But really, if you get annoyed at me having a Petromax in my tent because it will destroy your nightvision if you enter, then you have my permission to not enter my tent. In fact, I'd prefer it if people just stayed away from my tent.
Come to think of it, I very seldomly make camp close to anyone, so I can't for the life of me see why I - or Drew, for that matter - should even consider an opinion based on some behaviour ascribed to the tool at hand.
Oh, btw, even a candle lantern will wreck havoc with your night vision if you accidently look at the flame. A fire in your firebox will do the same.
I have a Gerber Recon Task Light used to discern fluids and so on, and to preserve my night vision when that is needed.
I don't mind having my night vision screwed up for ten minutes. I very seldomly have to preserve my night vision when I'm warm and cosy in the tent.
Maybe it's just me, though ...