non bushcraft chatter

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The Joker

Sep 28, 2005
Surrey, Sussex uk
Just been reading a thread that got shut down by TomTom, one of the reasons "non-bushcraft chatter" But isn't that why there is a bit titled.

Other Chatter
A place to sit back and just chat about stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

Just a thought!:sigh:

So for future reference can we or can we not talk about things that are non-bushcrafty in this section:confused: :confused:


The thread was shut down because it was the resurrection of another thread that had just been locked because it was getting heated.

Seems some people just can't take a hint.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
I think if you look through the other subjects in 'non-bushcraft' you'll see it is possible to discuss a wide range of subjects and do so in a useful and interesting manner. Let's not give the mods a hard time again :rolleyes:


But the mods get paid all that money and get free beer and all that, gotta make them earn it :)

I trust you are joking?

The Mods here don't get paid. I very much doubt if Tony has even made back the money he has outlaid over the years on this place yet.

The moderating team give their time freely and get very little thanks for it too, so what exactly have we got to make them earn?


Apr 4, 2007
Southend On Sea
i think it's just one of those arguments that go between the people who use forums- some like to get a bit down and dirty and have a place for arguing and slagging matches- i find them good sometimes, and sometimes it can be really constructive.

however, other forums have different rules, it's a shame i think, but you just have to accept itmods aren't perfect, they may even make mistakes but in the end there's naff all we can do about it, so we just get along with it anyway


Apr 4, 2007
Southend On Sea
I trust you are joking?

The Mods here don't get paid. I very much doubt if Tony has even made back the money he has outlaid over the years on this place yet.

The moderating team give their time freely and get very little thanks for it too, so what exactly have we got to make them earn?

I understand exaclty your sentiment here wayland- but i'm surer that you and everyone else knew that comment was a joke, and posts like that just invite confrontation.

sometimes it's difficult on the interent, but i believe that there's a few definite pointers here:

one: the smiley at the end of the post- tends to indicate a light hearted tongue i n cheek sentiment.

secondly flippant comments like " all the free beer" show that the OP doesn't really mean it- everyone knows the mods aren't paid in beer and to suggest so shows that the whole post is meant as a joke.

also- look at the rest of spiritofolds posts- there's often a link between the personalities and the way that posts should be interpreted.
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
I understand exaclty your sentiment here wayland- but i'm surer that you and everyone else knew that comment was a joke, and posts like that just invite confrontation.

sometimes it's difficult on the interent, but i believe that there's a few definite pointers here:

one: the smiley at the end of the post- tends to indicate a light hearted tongue i n cheek sentiment.

secondly flippant comments like " all the free beer" show that the OP doesn't really mean it- everyone knows the mods aren't paid in beer and to suggest so shows that the whole post is meant as a joke.

also- look at the rest of spiritofolds posts- there's often a link between the personalities and the way that posts should be interpreted.

Do me a favour Nat, and explain my style of posting as i come across troll like according to some, many thanks.



Full Member
Oct 4, 2003
Sittingbourne, Kent
"other chatter" is just what it says on the box, talk about what you like (as long as its legal, polite and does'nt ruffle the memberships feathers) - are you all still with me so far?

Now the Mods don't log on and spend hours looking for any, tiny little excuse to close threads, ban folks or generally weald a big "cyber-stick".
What happens is I get up on a Sunday morning, check my email account (because my business comes in this way) and I find my mailbox full of "reported posts", I then spend the next couple of hours reading the entire thread and deciding what to do, or getting rid of the thread because of the images they contain, or the language, hopefully before you and your families are up and starting to log on.
Its great that the members quite often are self policing, and we all really appreciate it, its a big help.
Its the "repeat" stuff that gets my goat, if you get told off accept it gracefully or find another forum. If your thread gets closed, don't try to start the same/very similar thread elsewhere. Engage your brain before typing - don't take the rise out of the guy in the clip - when you know he is a member - you know its gonna cause a row. Don't stir - there is no BCUK spoon award. And don't be "baited".
Now I've said my bit - and lets not have any more days like the last few - my mailbox won't take it.
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
"other chatter" is just what it says on the box, talk about what you like (as long as its legal, polite and does'nt ruffle the memberships feathers) - are you all still with me so far?

Now the Mods don't log on and spend hours looking for any, tiny little excuse to close threads, ban folks or generally weald a big "cyber-stick".
What happens is I get up on a Sunday morning, check my email account (because my business comes in this way) and I find my mailbox full of "reported posts", I then spend the next couple of hours reading the entire thread and deciding what to do, or getting rid of the thread because of the images they contain, or the language, hopefully before you and your families are up and starting to log on.
Its great that the members quite often are self policing, and we all really appreciate it, its a big help.
Its the "repeat" stuff that gets my goat, if you get told off accept it gracefully or find another forum. If your thread gets closed, don't try to start the same/very similar thread elsewhere. Engage your brain before typing - don't take the rise out of the guy in the clip - when you know he is a member - you know its gonna cause a row. Don't stir - there is no BCUK spoon award. And don't be "baited".
Now I've said my bit - and lets not have any more days like the last few - my mailbox won't take it.

Many thanks Niel for this post,i will try my best not to aggravate a situation but sometimes you have to have a say.

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