need some advice please help

Mar 1, 2011
Fife, Scotland
Meh it doesn't matter. My grandad served in the navy then the merchant navy, my dad and uncle both served in the navy.

All of them told me a few years ago that a boat went underwater and a ship was on top of water in the navy but my grandad said in the merchant navy a ship was an ocean going vessel and a boat was inland.

I wasn't looking for an argument i just thought ged was having a joke so i tried to reply jokingly.

Meh the written word is harder to decipher than the spoken.

So we are all right we were just using knowledge we had of a term attributed to specific specialisations and assumed that it was correct for all.

Big hug?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Thank you :)

It's hard to convey emotion in little paragraphs on the internet, and though the emoticons help not everyone sees them the same way; I had a row with British Red over the little winking smilie.
I reckon it's a gentle poke fun sort of emoticon; he reckons it's snide and a bit nasty.
No offence intended is the best way I reckon.

Anyway I grew up on boats, my Dad built them, I don't think he could have built a ship ;)

Workshops....for a long while I used a chest of drawers with a big board that tucked away down the back of it that I lifted up and bolted onto the top. Fine jewellery metalwork and soldering was fine, but no way could I belt something with a big hammer on it. The drawers kept everything tidy and the top usually had books on it when it wasn't on use so the bolt holes were covered.

Aug 13, 2011
OK.... Having some considerable First hand knowledge here.....

A Boat.... Any Vessel not being a "Ship of the Line".

A Ship.... Any Vessel that is a "Ship of the Line".

A Ship of the line... Usually Sea-going or Built fer the sea.... One of a Fleet... Royal Navy (Or other Navy). Merchant Navy Fleet... Or other National Merchant fleet....

A Boat May be part of Ships Equipment Not the other way round... i.e. Life-boat. Tender. etc.

Royal National lifeboat Institution Boats, even sea going ones are termed Boats as they are in effect "Shore Craft". And are traditionally termed.

As fer Submarines the term "Boat" fer them is taken from Submarine-boat... And is continued in tradition Regardless of size....

Hope that clarifies....:)

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
Hi all at the moment I'm waiting to move and most lightly to a flat so won't have anywhere for my shed / workshop so will have to scale down my tools a lot I'm intrested in metal work wood work leather work ect what would you suggest for a small tool kit for all things crafty thanks to anyone with sugestions or for just looking

Back on track.....

I'd be tempted to keep my tools and forego some of the furniture!


Ogri the trog

Everything Mac

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 30, 2009
Bloomin eck guys - talk about totally derailing a thread.

OP - I lived in a flat in Glasgow whilst at uni and I did really struggle to get anything made at all.

I was limited in that I lived with 4 other lads so only had one room to myself.

You find necessity is the mother of invention.

If you have space for your own man room then as said by far the most useful thing is a decent bench. Second to that is a vice. (it is surprisingly difficult how making things is without a vice some times)

beyond that the world is your oyster!

All the best


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 24, 2009
West Midlands UK
as mr fenna said;

'A set of tools for a small work area in a small flat - I would recomend a B&D workmate and a table top that you can clamp onto said workmate , made from a sheet of MDF with a 4x2 screwed to the underside.'

i had a similar situation with no space in my garden for a workshop, exept i used a 2' wide old natural plank, this did me for a while in my yard untill i rented a lockup :)


Apr 1, 2010
Thanks for the idears guys everything helps would love to lose furniture in place of tools but would probably get killed by the wife


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.