My First Dave 'Zanussi' Budd Collaboration / Commission And Goodies For Sir Bob Too!


Full Member
Apr 15, 2010
Hampshire you know I've had a few tough commissions recently that have frazzled me a tad but this one topped it all off quite nicely and I'm very happy to say that once again it's Sir Budds fault.

We were both holding stalls at Cranbourne Chase and a lady came up to me and asked me if i could do her the whole shebang for her partner...i wasnt sure that she was serious (bearing in mind that most people have no idea about the amount of work/cost involved) i sent her over to Dave and a while later she came back and announced she'd just commissioned a knife and paid for it....and away we went.

she liked all the attachments on my dc3/dc4 setup but not the shape of the sheath so....this is a hybrid? custom mix of two of my sheaths ....enlarged! basically a nightmare....i've never made a sheath this size either so the whole thing is a total one-off....and!!!! she wanted his initials on the back....I ABSOLUTELY HATE EMBOSSING LETTERS!....lolol....duno if its because i'm lefthanded or what but i dread it....absolutely dread it....after doing just the 3 letters i was shaking in case i had messed it up. i'm also doing a matching walnut firesteel to go with it is....Lucy, Sir D....i hope you like it and comments appreciated as always please.

bushwacker bob also asked me to do a custom iphone case for him...again a first for me in that it has magnetic closure so i had to incorporate that into my existing template and a sheath for his bark river....a pleasure Sir!


bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
I can happily report that the iphone case is bulletproof. I can wear it on my belt for quick easy access and off the belt it gives as much protection as an Otterbox defender. The sheath is spot on too. The knife is a drawer queen but anyone who owns a Bark River knife knows that a paper bag would make a better sheath than the ones that come with the knives. Angsts' sheath is an excellent solution to the problem. Thanks Sonni.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.