Hi all, this is my first real post. Introduced myself in the other thread as is the custom and I must say got a warm welcome, so thanks guys I appreciate that 
I started uploading videos last year to my youtube channel after I got the best footage I could have hoped for of a Kingfisher. I was at a low point, so decided to go on a mission and it really felt like it was meant to be. It really lifted me.
They've always been scarce when I was near rivers and my first sighting of one was only in 2015 on the Leeds Liverpool canal! Since then as you can see, I've seen a few on the Wye. Hope you like it, it still makes me smile watching it back
This one is a similar story for me. Didn't see a Jay until again 2014-15, on a motion capture camera I put on my window bird table. I remember seeing the footage and thinking "WHAT IS THAT!" haha I knew what Jays were but just seeing it on my window ledge there, was a moment for sure! The footage I got of the Jays in the cherry tree here was from inside a B&B near Cheltenham, while I was actually looking for another creature entirely. I was almost as happy about this as I was the Kingfisher catching!
Herons, we've all seen them, but AGAIN in 2015 I was walking back into my bedroom on the Canal and out the window was a heron stood on the tow path. I carefully picked up my camera, thinking it'll fly off in a second, but it was stalking a fish and I cannot believe I got that hunt/catch footage with an 8 megapixel camera!
I'm not as happy with the editing job I did on this one. I think I've got better since then. It's still a pleasant video I think. Let me know what you think guys:
This one was on a wander along the Wye a couple of weeks ago and I put up my new hammock for a couple of hours and had a brew, listening to the birds singing and the wind in the trees. Just so peaceful. I hope someone finds it helpful to relax to
I filmed this one just over a week ago. Walked about 9 miles with a 10kg pack (got lighter as I got through my 5l of water) and put my hammock up in the woods on a hill. It was fairly windy but I checked everywhere for deadfall threats and set up where there were no large trees. Didn't have to talk to anyone the whole day! Bonus haha

I started uploading videos last year to my youtube channel after I got the best footage I could have hoped for of a Kingfisher. I was at a low point, so decided to go on a mission and it really felt like it was meant to be. It really lifted me.
They've always been scarce when I was near rivers and my first sighting of one was only in 2015 on the Leeds Liverpool canal! Since then as you can see, I've seen a few on the Wye. Hope you like it, it still makes me smile watching it back

This one is a similar story for me. Didn't see a Jay until again 2014-15, on a motion capture camera I put on my window bird table. I remember seeing the footage and thinking "WHAT IS THAT!" haha I knew what Jays were but just seeing it on my window ledge there, was a moment for sure! The footage I got of the Jays in the cherry tree here was from inside a B&B near Cheltenham, while I was actually looking for another creature entirely. I was almost as happy about this as I was the Kingfisher catching!
Herons, we've all seen them, but AGAIN in 2015 I was walking back into my bedroom on the Canal and out the window was a heron stood on the tow path. I carefully picked up my camera, thinking it'll fly off in a second, but it was stalking a fish and I cannot believe I got that hunt/catch footage with an 8 megapixel camera!
I'm not as happy with the editing job I did on this one. I think I've got better since then. It's still a pleasant video I think. Let me know what you think guys:
This one was on a wander along the Wye a couple of weeks ago and I put up my new hammock for a couple of hours and had a brew, listening to the birds singing and the wind in the trees. Just so peaceful. I hope someone finds it helpful to relax to

I filmed this one just over a week ago. Walked about 9 miles with a 10kg pack (got lighter as I got through my 5l of water) and put my hammock up in the woods on a hill. It was fairly windy but I checked everywhere for deadfall threats and set up where there were no large trees. Didn't have to talk to anyone the whole day! Bonus haha