Agree to a certain extent but if the power network goes down which it has done locally all over the country and I've experienced it twice in the last few years once locally in England and a few moths back in Wales your screwed especially if the powers out over the battery life of your phone. Tills may not open but you can still pay by cash, no change, buy more provisions near to the value of the note. Im not a prepper but i have at least a months supply (on rotation) of non perishable foods and household basics just incase of this. Just imagine the chaos if the power stations stop for whatever reason.For me:
Cash is a pain.
Change is a pain. (The MRLP Financial Manifesto proposed the introduction of a 99p coin.)
Cash has been a pain for many years, since before cards and certainly before phone banking. I used cheques wherever I could. If you are beyond a certain age you might have stood behind me at the checkout while I wrote one out.
Yes there are cash only businesses but there are far more cash-free ones.
I don’t really understand the OP; certainly not the moral or slavery bit.
Anyone who thinks that they have privacy these days is either very naive or self delusional. The genie is well out of that particular bottle by now.
Have phone, will travel - anywhere in any currency. Right across Africa and Asia the phone is becoming the preferred payment method.
Have I ever had a problem? Just once ten years ago in York when I couldn’t get into a cinema when their system went down. When our local garden centre’s system went down they just took card details. Slowed down but not stopped.
I’m not being adversarial, it’s just how I think- you may not agree with me and that’s fine.