I remember, back a long time ago when my grandfather had a menswear shop in Southampton, I was quite small, 4 years old or so, and I was " helping out" in the shop.
There was a power cut. Granpa simply whiped out a couple of candles, put them on the counter and carried on serving the customer, without missing a heartbeat. In those days, manual tills were the norm and so was cash.
Business as usual. Not a problem.
Fast forward to present times.
Power cut means the supermarket automatic doors don't work, the tills don't work, the cashpoint won't work, business comes to a standstill.
Smaller shops can get out a pen and paper, record purchases, cash only, the till is over ridden, but permanently open and cash unsecured. Everyone is edgy as they can't use their cards, or phone to pay, don't have enough cash on them, and the staff are stressed as they actualy have to use maths to add stuff up and work out the correct change to give, as their till no longer tells them.
Second scenario
Woman outside shop with three disgruntled and one crying child. Can't buy drinks and snacks for her hungry and thirsty kids as her phone pay app isn't working, and the whole instant don't have to think about anything system is down.
Witnessed both these scenes this year.
For me, not a problem, I just payed with cash at the greengrocers , and newsagents. Went on my way with everything I needed.
If we get another Carrington event, and with the sun behaving as it is presently, its perfectly possible, China or Russia hacking or cutting vital under sea cables, as happened over Xmas, life could get rather tricky for the majority of modern man.
Us luddites will just smile, light a candle, and carry on normaly without missing a heartbeat, like my old grandpa.
Cashless is highly vunerable to many things, weather, state control, nefarious activity, look how the gov has given the dwp the right to snoop on disabled and pensioners Bank accounts, withput permission, that is wrong. We are told not to give details out to anyone , but we have submitted without a murmur to that, because of the government's fraud narrative that emotes those who are not on benefits to demonise others less fortunate. How long before it applies to all.? Won't happen?
Think again.its the back door to everyone being monitored on every purchase.slowly slowly catchee monkey.
That can't happen if you use cash. We are gently being herded into this.
Younger people who never experienced anything but this new norm accept it as they know nothing else.
A frog doesn't know it's being boiled alive if it starts off in cold water and is slowly brought to a boil, suddenly its too late.
Look how we are loosing high street banks at an alarming rate.
I'm buying less and less from supermarket /big business, and supporting small local shops with cash.
They are grateful, I get great personal service, a bit of a chat, sometimes advice or suggestions on meals, I can buy just one baking potato, or onion , a couple of sausages, or enough mince for one person, instead of having to buy more than I want, and waste the others, and everyone is happy, unlike the miserable queues in tesco. Plus it cuts out food waste, which as a single person I find a problem with family size bags of fruit and veg...I don't always have time or inclination to peel chop blanch and freeze so much.
Plus farmers are getting the real price for their produce, instead of pennies .
Sorry for such a long post. !