Modern, robust, candle lantern

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I love my bushlite, but I can't find them on the interwebs?
Lots on the forum about them, but I can't find any to buy.
Have they stopped making them? I'd love another.
I have no idea if this is real, but it was the second hit on my search for bushlite using

The first hit was

The third hit was
but forty quid seems a bit steep to me for a candle holder.

The fourth hit was a UK Website for bushlite but it seems to be dead at the moment. No idea if that's temporarily dead or permanently dead.
The problem with those is that the heat is contained and the big candles give off a lot of heat, and soot, and they melt down and become a slittery mess.

Look very pretty, but you need air flow.

The bushlights are not meant for heat, they're meant for light flow.

That they give off heat too is the issue with the hardness of the wax vs the spring mechanism.
I've seen someone selling new foldable candle lanterns and like many of the other ideas they look useful and I'll probably end up with one or two to play with.

But, I was hoping there was something that ticked all my boxes rather than just one or two! I was joking about making something although I could make something for myself using bits from a few lamps I have.

I still think there must be something available, some old sailing ship emporium or old wild west homeware store or some such.
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I’ve always wanted but never bought a Swiss Army Folding lantern.

Just stumbled upon this site, some lovely lanterns and a detailed read.

Price's do some excellent long lasting candles too.....just make sure you pick the Domestic type range and not the fancy ones.
When I was young we always had prices household candles, which were straight and plain translucent wax. I was disappointed to the latest ones are more fancy and more of a dinner candle.

I'd still like a candle mould the shape of the original household candle. One good thing about the recent powercuts was noting the complete lack of smell or smoke from having the house lit up with homemade beeswax candles.
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Prices still do the 'domestic' stuff, but unless you're a traditionalist then folks seem to want the Yankee Candle type smelly ones.

Personally, I reckon you don't get better than beeswax :)
I do like the Prices slow burn hard white wax ones for under the teapot thingie though, and they really do last in the candle lanterns.
I quite like adding a few drops of essential oil to some at this time of, cedarwood, that kind of thing.
Real stuff, not fake scent though.
In churches and cathedrals over here (the Catholic ones, at least) usually have boxes of candles of various sizes. You take one, put the requisite coins in the box, and usually light it there and then and stick it in a sand box or on a spike.

You could put the coins in the box and take it home. There is a kind called the "neuvaine" that burns for nine days and nights.

I had a look around, and you can order them online, too: €17 for three (including shipping within France) which is €17 each, or €60 for 20, free shipping, which is €3 each.



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